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Національна бібліотека України імені В. І. Вернадського - результати пошуку

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у знайденому
Сортувати знайдені документи за:
авторомназвоюроком видання
 Знайдено в інших БД:Інститут археології (1)Інститут ботаніки
імені М. Г. Холодного (1)
Інститут гідробіології (10)Інститут географії (1)Інститут зоології (22)Інститут історії України (2)
Формат представлення знайдених документів:
повний стислий
Пошуковий запит: (<.>K=BALTIC<.>)
Загальна кількість знайдених документів : 71
Представлено документи з 1 до 20
1.Rudnyc'kyj J. B. Slavic and Baltic universities in exile / J. B. Rudnyc'kyj ; Ukrainian Free Academy of sciences. - Winnipeg : [б.в.], 1949.. - 16 p.. - (Slavistica ; 4)
2.Nationality group survival in multi-ethnic states : shifting support patterns in the Soviet Baltic region / ed. by Edward Allworth. - New York ; London : Praeger publ., 1977.. - XVII, 299 p. : tab.. - (Praeger special studies in international politics and government)
3."The art of interpretation of classical Oriental texts", the Nordic-Baltic conference of Orientalists(2; 1994; Tartu).The second Nordic-Baltic conference of Orientalists "The art of interpretation of classical Oriental texts", Tartu, May 19-22, 1994 : abstracts of papers / Estonian Oriental soc. ; ed. by Kai Vassiljeva. - Tartu : [s. n.], 1994.. - 43 p.
4.Lieven A. The Baltic revolution: Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania and the path of independence / A. Lieven. - New Haven ; London : Yale UP, 1994.. - XLVII, 454 p.
5.Kurlavicius P. Birds of forest Islands in South-East Baltic region / P. Kurlavicius ; Institute of ecology of Lithuaninian Academy of sci.. - Vilnius : Baltic ECO, 1995.. - 263 p.: fig.
6.Between plan and market : Social change in the Baltic States and Russia / ed. R. Blom [a.o.]. - Berlin ; New York : De Gruyter, 1996.. - IX, 182 p.. - (Societies in transition ; 6)
7.Constitution as a legal base for a system and functions of organs of the state : 4th Baltic-Norwegian conference on constitutional issues, Tallinn, March 1996 / Estonian acad. of sci.. - Tallinn : [б.в.], 1996.. - 152 p.
8.Флора Балтийских республик. Т. 2 / ред. В. Кууск [и др.]. - [Б. м.] : [б.в.], 1996.. - 372 с.
9.Professor August Robert Niemi and comparative folklore investigations of the balts and baltic finns : papers of the International conference held on 1-2 December, 1994, Vilnius, Lithuania / ed. S. Skrodenis ; Lithuania-Finland society, Lithuanian literature and folklore institute, Ethnomusic institute. - Vilnius : [б.в.], 1996.. - 100 p.: fig., map.
10.Paskevicius J. The geology of the Baltic republics / J. Paskevicius ; Vilnius university. Geological survey of Lithuania. - Vilnius : [б.в.], 1997.. - 387 p.: fig., phot.
11.Occupational Health Indicators and Country Profiles in the Baltic Sea Countries : Report on a WHO follow-up meeting: 18-20 Sept. 1997, Vilnius, Lithuania / WHO, Regional Office for Europe. - Copenhagen : WHO, 1997.. - 21 p.
12.Baltic amber and other fossil resins : International interdisciplinary symp.: Reports and posters, abstracts, 2-6 Sept. 1997 / Museum of the Earth- Polish Academy of Sciences, Archeological Museum of Gdansk. Research Society of Polish Archaelogists ; ed. B. Kosmowska-Ceranowicz. - Warsaw : [б.в.], 1997.. - 52 p.
13.Everyday life in the Baltic States / Lithuanian institute of philosophy and sociology, Center for Russian and East European studies. Univ. of Goteborg ; ed. M. Taljunaite. - Vilnius : [б.в.], 1997.. - 260 p.: ill.. - (Social studies ; vol. 3)
14.The Baltic States at historical crossroads : Political, economic and legal problems in the context of international cooperation on the doorstep of the 21st century: A collection of scholary articles / Academy of sci. of Latvia ; ed. T. Jundzis. - Riga : [б.в.], 1998.. - 787 p.
15.Pustelnikovas O. Geochemistry of sediments of the Curonian lagoon (Baltic sea) / O. Pustelnikovas. - Vilnius : [б.в.], 1998.. - 235 p.: fig.
16.Competition and cooperation of the Baltic regions of Denmark, Germany and Poland / ed. W. Toczyski. - Sopot : Governmental centre for strategic studies, 1998.. - 171 p.: ill.
17.A dark mirror: Romanov and Imperial Palace library materials in the holdings of the New York Public Library : A checklist and agenda for research / comp. R. H. Davis. - New York : Normann Ross publishing inc., 1999.. - XI, 310 p.. - (The New York Public Library. Slavic, Baltic, and Eurasian resource ser.)
18.Of gods & holidays : The Baltic heritage / ed. J. Trinkunas. - Vilnius : Tvermé, 1999.. - 214 p.: ill.
19.Salay J. Energy use, efficiency gains and emission abatement in transitional industrialised economies. Poland and the Baltic states : Diss. / J. Salay ; Lund University. Department of environmental and energy systems studies. - Lund : [б.в.], 1999.. - Pag.var.: fig.
20.Reduction of agricultural runoff to the Baltic Sea : Proceedings of Internationational conference, 8-9 September 1999 / Lithuanian Academy of sciences. Division of agricultural and forestry sciences. - [s. l.] : [s. n.], 1999.
Центр бібліотечних електронних ресурсів і технологій

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