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Kertser, S.
Efficiency of open channel blockers of neuronal nicotinic acetylcholine receptors as estimated from the structure/ activity relationship / S. Kertser // Нейрофизиол. / Neurophysiol.. - 2007. - Т.39, №4/5 . - С. 364-370

Шифр журнала: Н1/2007/39/4/5


Dosenko, V. E.
Proteasomal Activity in synaptosomes obtained from the cerebral structures of rats subjected to long-lasting immobilization stress / V. E. Dosenko, I.M.Prudnikov, V.N.Tsyvkin, A.A.Moibenko, E.D.Miller // Нейрофизиол. / Neurophysiol.. - 2004. - Т.36, №2(eng) . - С. 111-115

Шифр журнала: Н1/2004/36/2 (eng)

Дод. точки доступу:
Prudnikov, I.M.; Tsyvkin, V.N.

Mankovskaya, I.
Structure and function of mitochondria at endurance training connecting with intermittent hypoxia " Mitochondrial Physiology" / I. Mankovskaya, B. Gavenauskas, V. Nosar, K. Rozova // 4th Conf. on Mitochondrial Physiology.- Vorarlberg (Austria).- Mitochondrial Physiology Network. - 2005. - P.. 2-8


Дод. точки доступу:
Gavenauskas, B.; Nosar, V.; Rozova, K.

Skibo, G. G.
Effect of a peptide mimetic of NCAM on the structure and metabolic activity of organotypic hippocampal cultures during induced ischemia / G. G. Skibo, L.Lushnikova, K.Voronin, V.Berezin, E.Bock // Proc. of the International Summer Workshop "Pharmacology of Synaptic Transmission in the Nervous System", June 16-18, 2002, K.) ; Нейрофизиол. / Neurophysiol.. - 2002. - Т.34 , №2/3(eng). - P233-236

Шифр журнала: Н1/2002/34/2/3


Дод. точки доступу:
Lushnikova, L.; Voronin, K.; Berezin, V.; Bock, E.

Vlasenko, O. V.
Changes in the expression of c- fos and NADPH-diaphorase activity in rat hippocampal structures related to food deprivation and realization of operant food-procuring movements / O. V. Vlasenko, A. V. Dovgan, A.I.Pilyavskii, V.A.Maisky, A.V.Maznichenko // Neurophysiol./ Neirofiziol.. - 2009. - Vol.41, №2. - P148-156


Дод. точки доступу:
Dovgan, A.V.; Pilyavskii, A.I.; Maisky, V.A.; Maznychenko, A.V.

Chatterjee, S. S.
Structure-activity studies with Ginkgo biloba extract constituents as receptor-gated chloride channel blockers and modulators / S. S. Chatterjee, E. L. Kondratskaya, O. A. Krishtal // Pharmacopsychiatry. - 2003. - Vol.36. - P.. S68-S77


Дод. точки доступу:
Kondratskaya, E.L.; Krishtal, O. A.

Lishko, P. V.
Dependence of pharmacological activity of new NMDA agonists and antagonists on their chemical structure / P.V. Lishko, L. B. Piotrovsky, A. P. Maksimyuk, O. A. Krishtal // Нейрофизиол. / Neurophysiol.. - 1999. - Vol.31, №2. - P.. 173-176


Дод. точки доступу:
Piotrovsky, L.B.; Maksimyuk, A.P.; Krishtal, O. A.

Krishtal, O. A.
Receptors for ATP in rat sensory neurons-the structure-function relationship for ligands / O. A. Krishtal, S. M. Marchenko, A. G. Obukhov, T.M.Volkova // British J. of Pharmacology. - 1988. - Vol.95 . - P.. 1057-1062


Дод. точки доступу:
Marchenko, S.M.; Obukhov, A.G.; Volkova, T.M.

Brown, A. M.
Dihydropyridines, G proteins, and calcium channels / A. M. Brown, L. Birnbaumer, A. Yatani // The Calcium Channel: structure, function and implications. - 1988. - P.. 54-62

Дод. точки доступу:
Birnbaumer, L.; Yatani, A.

Schwalbe, Ruth A..
Potassium channel structure and function as reported by a single glycosylation sequon / Ruth A. Schwalbe, Zhiguo Wang, Barbara A. Wible, Arthur M. Brown // J. Biol. Chem.. - 1995. - Vol. 270, № 25, Jun. 23. - P.. 15336-15340

Дод. точки доступу:
Wang, Zhiguo; Wible, Barbara A.; Brown, Arthur M.

Wei, Xiangyang.
Heterologous regulation of the cardiac Ca{\up 2+} channel alpha{\dn 1} subunit by skeletal muscle beta and gamma subunits. Implications for the structure of cardiac L-type Ca{\up 2+} channels / Xiangyang Wei, Edward Perez-Reyes, Antonio E. Lacerda, Gabriele Schuster, Arthur M. Brown, Lutz Birnbaumer // J. Biol. Chem.. - 1991. - Vol. 266, № 32, Nov. 15. - P.. 21943-21947

Дод. точки доступу:
Perez-Reyes, Edward; Lacerda, Antonio E.; Schuster, Gabriele; Brown, Arthur M.; Birnbaumer, Lutz

Adinolfi, A. M.
The Fine Structure of Neurons and Synapses in the Entopeduncular Nucleus of the Cat / Anthony M. Adinolfi // J. Comp. Neur.. - 1969. - Vol. 135, № 2. - P.. 225-248


Biscoe, T. J.
Carotid body: structure and function / T. J. Biscoe // Physiol. Rev. - 1971. - Vol. 51, № 3, July. - P.. 437-495


Calvin, William H..
Structured timing patterns within bursts from epileptic neurons in undrugged monkey cortex / William H. Calvin, George W. Sypert, Arthur A. Ward, Jr. // Exp. Neurol.. - 1968. - Vol. 21, Is. 4, Aug.. - P.. 535-549

Дод. точки доступу:
Sypert, George W.; Ward, Jr., Arthur A.

Takahashi, Masami.
Subunit structure of dihydropyridine-sensitive calcium channels from skeletal muscle / Masami Takahashi, Michael J. Seagar, Jean F. Jones, Bernhard F. X. Reber, William A. Catterall // Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA. - 1987. - Vol. 84, № 15, Aug.. - P.. 5478-5482

Дод. точки доступу:
Seagar, Michael J.; Jones, Jean F.; Reber, Bernhard F. X.; Catterall, William A.

Elfvin, L. -G.
Ultrastructural studies on the synaptology of the inferior mesenteric ganglion of the cat. III. The structure and distribution of the axodendritic and dendrodendritic contacts / L. -G. Elfvin // J. Ultrastructure Res.. - 1971. - Vol. 37, № 3. - P.. 432-448

Granit, Ragnar.
The case for presynaptic inhibition by synapses on the terminals of motoneurons / Ragnar Granit // Proc. of the IVth Int. Meet. of Neurobiologists held (Stockholm, Sept., 1966) ; Structure and Function of Inhibitory. Neuronal. Mechanisms. - 1968. - P.. 183-195

Shapoval, L. N.
Chemosensitive ventrolateral medulla in the cat: the fine structure and GABA-inducedcardiovascular effects / L. N. Shapoval, V. F. Sagach, L. S. Pobegailo // J. Autonomic Nervous System. - 1991. - Vol. 36, № 3. - P.. 159-172

Дод. точки доступу:
Sagach, V.F.; Pobegailo, L.S.

Voitenko, S.
Structure and functions of nicotinic acetylcholine gated channels in sympathetic ganglion / S. Voitenko, S. Kertser, V. Gmiro, N. Brovtsyna, A. Bobryshev, V. Skok // 4-th IBRO World Congress of Neuroscience.. - 9-14 Joly, 1995.-IBRO Abstracts. - P.. 24

Дод. точки доступу:
Kertser, S.; Gmiro, V; Brovtsyna, N.; Bobryshev, A.; Skok, V.

Mankovskaya, I.
Structure and function of mitochondria at endurance training connecting with intermittent hypoxia " Mitochondrial Physiology" / I. Mankovskaya, B. Gavenauskas, V. Nosar, K. Rozova // 4th Conf. on Mitochondrial Physiology.- Vorarlberg (Austria).- Mitochondrial Physiology Network. - 2005. - P2-8


Дод. точки доступу:
Gavenauskas, B.; Nosar, V.; Rozova, K.
Інститут фізіології імені О. О. Богомольця

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