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Courville, J.
Rubro-cerebellar connections in the cat: an experimental study with silver impregnation methods / J. Courville, A. Brodal // J. Comp. Neur. - 1966. - Vol. 126, № 3. - P. 471-486

Дод. точки доступу:
Brodal, A.

Kostyuk, E. P.
Structural and functional characteristics of nociceptive pathways and their alterations under conditions of neuropathy / E. P. Kostyuk, P. G. Kostyuk, N. V. Voitenko // Нейрофизиол. / Neurophysiol. - 2001. - Т.33 , №4 . - С. 303-313

Шифр журнала: Н1/2001/33/4

Дод. точки доступу:
Kostyuk, P.G.; Voitenko, N.V.

Mankovskaya, I. M.
Peculiarities of rhe respiratory link of oxygentransport system in children related to the rate of morpho-functional development / I. M. Mankovskaya, O. M. Bakunovsky, E.V.Moiseyenko, E.E.Kolesnikova E.E., L.V.Kvashnina, M.I.Velichko // 64 th Harden Conference / MiP Mitochondrial Physiology / Ambleside, UK. - 2007. - P. 338

Дод. точки доступу:
Bakunovsky, O.M.; Moiseyenko, E.V.; Kolesnikova, E.E.; Kvashnina, L.V.; Velichko, M.I.

Rozova, K. V.
Intercommunication of respiration function and morpho-functional state of lung tissue under the hypoxic states of different genesis / K. V. Rozova // Pneumonologia i Alergologia Polska. - 2008. - Vol.76 , suppl.1. - P. 55-56


Rozova, K. V.
Comparative characteristics of the morpho-functional state of lung and heart tissues at acute and interval hypoxia / K. V. Rozova // Матер. VIII Vorld Congress International Soсiety for Adaptive Medicine (ISAM). - 2006. - P338-339

Дод. точки доступу:
Маньковська, І.М.

Pankratov, Yu. V.
Heterogeneity of the Functional Expression of P2X3 and P2X2/3 Receptors in the Primary Nociceptive Neurons of Rat / Yu. V. Pankratov, U. V. Lalo, A. N. Dashkin, O. A. Krishtal // Neurochem. Res. - 2001. - Vol.26 , №8/9 . - P. 993-1000

Дод. точки доступу:
Lalo, U.V.; Dashkin, A.N.; Krishtal, O. A.

Kostyuk, E. P.
Structural and functional characteristics of nociceptive pathways and their alterations under conditions of neuropathy / E. P. Kostyuk, P. G. Kostyuk, N. V. Voitenko // Нейрофизиол. / Neurophysiol. - 2001. - Т.33, №4 (eng). - P266-276

Шифр журнала: Н1/2001/33/4 (eng)

Дод. точки доступу:
Kostyuk, P.G.; Voitenko, N.V.

Parkhomenko, A. N.
Іnfluence of endothelial nitric oxide synthase T{\up -786} C -promoter polymorphism on integral parameters of functional condition of arterial vessels / A. N. Parkhomenko, Ya.M.Lutay, V.E.Dosenko, V.L.Gurianova, A.A.Moibenko, A.A.Skarzevskiy // Фізіол. журн. - 2010. - Т.56, №1. - P22-29

Дод. точки доступу:
Lutay, Ya.M.; Dosenko, V.E.; Gurіanova, V.L.; Moibenko, A.A.; Skarzevskiy, A.A/

Angaut-Petit, D.
The dorsal column system: II. Functional properties and bulbar relay of the postsynaptic fibres of the cat's fasciculus gracilis / D. Angaut-Petit // Exp. Brain Res. - 1975. - Vol. 22. - P. 471-493


Klishin, A.
Possible functional-role of diadenosine polyphosphates - negative feedback for excitation in hippocampus / A. Klishin, N. Lozovaya, J.Pintor, M.T.Miras-Portugal, O.Krishtal // Neuroscience. - 1994. - Vol.58 . - P. 235-236

Дод. точки доступу:
Lozovaya, N.; Pintor, J.; Miras-Portugal, M.T.; Krishtal, O.

Brown, Arthur M..
Functional bases for interpreting amino acid sequences of voltage-dependent K{\up +} channels / Arthur M. Brown // Annu. Rev. Biophys. Biomol. Struct. - 1993. - Vol. 22. - P. 173-198

Kirsch, Glenn E..
Functional interactions between K{\up +} pore residues located in different subunits / Glenn E. Kirsch, John A. Drewe, Mariella De Biasi, Hali A. Hartmann, Arthur M. Brown // J. Biol. Chem. - 1993. - Vol. 268, № 19, Jul. 5. - P. 13799-804

Дод. точки доступу:
Drewe, John A.; Biasi, Mariella De; Hartmann, Hali A.; Brown, Arthur M.

Schwartz, Lawrence M.
Dihydropyridine receptors in muscle are voltage-dependent but most are not functional calcium channels / Lawrence M. Schwartz, Edwin W. McCleskey, Wolfhard Almers // Nature. - 1985. - Vol. 314, № 6013. - P. 747-751

Дод. точки доступу:
McCleskey, Edwin W.; Almers, Wolfhard

Giannazzo, E.
Diffuse electrocortical effects elicited in the cat by stimulation or functional inactivation of the medial portion (pars magnocellularis) of the medial geniculate body / E. Giannazzo, R. Raffaele, S. Sapienza, A. Urbano // Electroenceph. clin. Neurophysiol. - 1967. - Vol. 23. - P. 190-191

Дод. точки доступу:
Raffaele, R.; Sapienza, S.; Urbano, A.

Soloviev, A.
Functional and molecular consequences of ionizing irradiation on large conductance Ca2+-activated K+channels in rat aortic smooth muscle cells / A. Soloviev, S.Tishkin, I.Ivanova, S.Zelensky, V.Dosenko, S.Kyrychenko, R.S.Moreland // Life Sciences. - 2009. - 84, №5-6 . - P. 164-171


Brown, Arthur M..
Functional properties of calcium channels / Arthur M. Brown // Calcium regulation in biological systems. - 1984. - P. 171-184

Burke, R. E.
Functional specialization in the motor unit population of cat medial gastrocnemius muscle / R. E. Burke, W. Z. Rymer, J. V. Walsh, Jr. // Control of posture and locomotion. - 1973. - P. 29-44

Дод. точки доступу:
Rymer, W.Z.; Walsh, Jr., J.V.

Darian-Smith, I.
Functional organization of tactile cutaneous afferents within the semilunar ganglion and trigeminal spinal tract of the cat / I. Darian-Smith, Patricia Mutton, Robyn Proctor // J. Neurophysiol. - 1965. - Vol. 28. - P. 682-694

Дод. точки доступу:
Mutton, Patricia; Proctor, Robyn

Price, D. D.
Functional relationships between neurons of marginal and substantia gelatinosa layers of primate dorsal horn / D. D. Price, H. Hayashi, R. Dubner, M. A. Ruda // J. Neurophysiol. - 1979. - Vol. 42, № 6. - P. 1590-1608

Дод. точки доступу:
Hayashi, H.; Dubner, R.; Ruda, M.A.

Swanson, L. W.
Neural mechanisms for the functional coupling of autonomic, endocrine and somatomotor responses in adaptive behavior / L. W. Swanson, G. J. Mogenson // Brain Res. - 1981. - Vol.228 , №1 . - P. 1-34

Дод. точки доступу:
Mogenson, G.J.
Інститут фізіології імені О. О. Богомольця

Всі права захищені © Національна бібліотека України імені В. І. Вернадського