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Portnychenko, A. G.
Expression of HIF-1alpha and HIF-3alpha differentially changed in rat heart ventricles after hypoxic preconditioning / A. G. Portnychenko, V. E. Dosenko, V. I. Portnychenko, O. O. Moybenko // XXVIII European Section Meeting of the ISHR, Athens, Greece, May 28-31,2008.Abstracts.-J. Molec. Cell. Cardiology, 44(4), 2008. . - P. 724

Дод. точки доступу:
Dosenko, V.E.; Portnychenko, V.I.; Moybenko, O.O.

Ivanova, S. Y.
Differential properties of GABA-ergie synaptic connections in rat hippocampal cell cultures / S.Y. Ivanova, I.V. Lushnikova, T.A. Pivneva, P.V. Belan, M.V. Storozhuk, P.G. Kostyuk // Synapse. - 2004. - Vol.53 , №2 . - p. 122-130

Дод. точки доступу:
Lushnikova, I.V.; Pivneva, T.A.; Belan, P.V.; Storozhuk, M.V. ; Kostyuk, P.G.

Paligin, O. A.
Quantum properties of GABA release in cultured neurons from the rat cortex / O. A. Paligin, Yu.V.Medvedeva, A.A.Moskalyuk // Нейрофизиол. / Neurophysiol. - 2002. - Т.34 , №2/3 (eng). - P195-197

Шифр журнала: Н1/2002/34/2/3

Дод. точки доступу:
Medvedeva, Yu.V.; Moskalyuk, A.A.

Lunko, O. O.
Initiation of long term-potentiation in rat hippocampus requires hydrolizible phosphate groups and activation of various P2X receptors / O. O. Lunko, O. Palygin, E. Kondratskaya, O. Krishtal // Фізіол. журн. - 2009. - Т.55 , №6 . - P132

Дод. точки доступу:
Palygin, O.; Kondratskaya, E.; Krishtal, O.

Shipshina, M. S.
Quantum characteristics of neurotransmitter release in GABA-ergic synapses of cultured neurons of the rat spinal cord / M. S. Shipshina, N. S. Veselovsky, S. A. Fedulova // Neurophysiol./ Neirofiziol. - 2009. - Vol.41 , №3 . - С. 165-170

Дод. точки доступу:
Veselovsky, N.S.; Fedulova, S.A.

Kiskin, N. I.
Are sulfhydryl-groups essential for function of the glutamate-operated receptor ionophore complex? / N. I. Kiskin, O. A. Krishtal, A. Y. Tsyndrenko, N. Akaike // Neurosci. Lett. - 1986. - Vol.66 . - P. 305-310

Дод. точки доступу:
Krishtal, O. A.; Tsyndrenko, A.Y.; Akaike, N.

Klishin, A.
A1 adenosine receptors differentially regulate the N-methyl-D-aspartate and non-N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor-mediated components of hippocampal excitatory postsynaptic current in a Ca2+/Mg2+ dependent manner / A. Klishin, N. Lozovaya, O. Krishtal // Neuroscience. - 1995. - Vol.65 , №4 . - P. 947-953

Дод. точки доступу:
Lozovaya, N.; Krishtal, O.

Andersson, G.
Mutual inhibition between olivary cell groups projecting to different cerebellar microzones in the cat / G. Andersson // Exp. Brain Res. - 1984. - Vol. 54. - P. 293-303


Andersson, G.
Climbing fiber microzones in cerebellar vermis and their projection to different groups of cells in the lateral vestibular nucleus / G. Andersson, O. Oscarsson // Exp. Brain Res. - 1978. - Vol. 32. - P. 565-579

Дод. точки доступу:
Oscarsson, O.

Kanda, K.
Differential control of fast and slow twitch motor units in the decerebrate cat / K. Kanda, R. E. Burke, B. Walmsley // Exp. Brain Res. - 1977. - Vol. 29, № 1, Aug. 8. - P. 57-74

Дод. точки доступу:
Burke, R.E.; Walmsley, B.

Burke, R. E.
Differential chloride reversal of IPSPs from group Ia afferents and motor axon collaterals / R. E. Burke, L. Fedina, A. Lundberg // Acta physiol. scand. - 1968. - Vol. 73, Is. 4, Aug. - P. 3A-4A

Дод. точки доступу:
Fedina, L.; Lundberg, A.

Jackson, K.
Exercise training differentially affects intrinsic excitability of autonomic and neuroendocrine neurons in the hypothalamic paraventricular nucleus / K. Jackson, H.M.Silva, W.Zhang // J. Neurophysiol. - 2005. - Vol.94, №6 . - P. 3211-3220

Дод. точки доступу:
Silva, H. M.

Trantham-Devidson, H.
Mechanisms underlying differential D1 versus D2 dopamine receptor regulation of inhibition in prefrontal cortex / H.Trantham-Devidson, L.C.Neely, A.Lavin, J.K.Seamans // J. Neurosci. - 2004. - Vol.24 , №47 . - P. 10652-10659

Дод. точки доступу:
Neely, L.C.; Lavin, A.; Seamans, J.K.

Dichiara, G.
Nucleus accumbens shel and core dopamine : differential role in behavior and addiction / G. Dichiara // Behav.Brain Res. - 2002. - Vol.137 . - P. 105-114

Prudnikov, I. M.
Short peptide tools for monitoring caspase and proteasome activities in embryonal and adult rat brain lysates: an approach for the differential identification of proteases / I. M. Prudnikov, A. N. Smirnov // J. Biochem. - 2012. - Vol. 151, Is. 3. - P. 299-316

Дод. точки доступу:
Smirnov, A.N.

Prudnikov, I. M.
Short peptide tools for monitoring caspase and proteasome activities in embryonal and adult rat brain lysates: an approach for the differential identification of proteases / I. M. Prudnikov, A. N. Smirnov // J. Biochem. (Japan). - 2012. - Vol. 151, № 3. - P. 299-316

Дод. точки доступу:
Smirnov, A.N.

Portnychenko, A. G.
Expression of HIF-1alpha and HIF-3alpha differentially changed in rat heart ventricles after hypoxic preconditioning / A. G. Portnychenko, V. E. Dosenko, V. I. Portnychenko, O. O. Moybenko // XXVIII European Section Meeting of the ISHR, Athens, Greece, May 28-31,2008.Abstracts.-J. Molec. Cell. Cardiology, 44(4), 2008. . - P. 724

Дод. точки доступу:
Dosenko, V.E.; Portnychenko, V.I.; Moybenko, O.O.

Lunko, O. O.
Initiation of long term-potentiation in rat hippocampus requires hydrolizible phosphate groups and activation of various P2X receptors / O. O. Lunko, O. Palygin, E. Kondratskaya, O. Krishtal // Фізіол. журн. - 2009. - Т.55 , №6 . - P132

Дод. точки доступу:
Palygin, O.; Kondratskaya, E.; Krishtal, O.

Shipshina, M. S.
Quantum characteristics of neurotransmitter release in GABA-ergic synapses of cultured neurons of the rat spinal cord / M. S. Shipshina, N. S. Veselovsky, S. A. Fedulova // Neurophysiol./ Neirofiziol. - 2009. - Vol.41 , №3 . - P165-170

Дод. точки доступу:
Veselovsky, N.S.; Fedulova, S.A.

Kiskin, N. I.
Are sulfhydryl-groups essential for function of the glutamate-operated receptor ionophore complex? / N. I. Kiskin, O. A. Krishtal, A. Y. Tsyndrenko, N. Akaike // Neurosci. Lett. - 1986. - Vol.66 . - P. 305-310

Дод. точки доступу:
Krishtal, O. A.; Tsyndrenko, A.Y.; Akaike, N.
Інститут фізіології імені О. О. Богомольця

Всі права захищені © Національна бібліотека України імені В. І. Вернадського