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Markova, O. A.
Role of Interneuronal Systems in the Formation of Main Patterns of Field Electrical Activity in the Hippocampus / O. A. Markova, T. M. Tsugorka, O.V.Dovgan', А.R.Stepanyuk, V.P.Cherkas // Neurophysiol. - 2008. - Vol.40 , №1 . - P53-63

Дод. точки доступу:
Tsugorka, T.M.; Dovgan', O.V.; Stepanyuk, A.R.; Cherkas, V.P.

Paligin, O. A.
Quantum properties of GABA release in cultured neurons from the rat cortex / O. A. Paligin, Yu.V.Medvedeva, A.A.Moskalyuk // Нейрофизиол. / Neurophysiol. - 2002. - Т.34 , №2/3 (eng). - P195-197

Шифр журнала: Н1/2002/34/2/3

Дод. точки доступу:
Medvedeva, Yu.V.; Moskalyuk, A.A.

Rozumna, N. M.
Interaction between the dopaminergic and GABA-ergic systems of the cortex during conditioning / N. M. Rozumna // Нейрофизиол. / Neurophysiol. - 2002. - Т.34 , №2/3 (eng). - P213-215

Шифр журнала: Н1/2002/34/2/3


Saftenku, E. E.
Theoretical study of the distribution and properties of Ca{\up 2+} handling systems / E. E. Saftenku // Фізіол. журн. - 2009. - Т.55 , №6 . - P118


Shipshina, M. S.
Quantum characteristics of neurotransmitter release in GABA-ergic synapses of cultured neurons of the rat spinal cord / M. S. Shipshina, N. S. Veselovsky, S. A. Fedulova // Neurophysiol./ Neirofiziol. - 2009. - Vol.41 , №3 . - С. 165-170

Дод. точки доступу:
Veselovsky, N.S.; Fedulova, S.A.

Lozovaya, N.
Chemical Neuroimmunology: health in a nutshell bidirectional communication between immune and stress (limbic-hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal) systems / N. Lozovaya, A. D. Miller // Chembiochem. - 2003. - Vol.4 . - P. 466-484

Дод. точки доступу:
Miller, A.D.

Baker, R.
Morphological and physiological effects of axotomy on cat abducens motoneurons / R. Baker, J. Delgado-Garcia, R. McCrea // Lesion-Induced Neuronal Plasticity in Sensorimotor Systems. - 1981. - P. 51-63

Дод. точки доступу:
Precht W. \ed.\; Flohr, H. \ed.\; Delgado-Garcia, J.; McCrea, R.

Giannazzo, E.
Diffuse electrocortical effects elicited in the cat by stimulation or functional inactivation of the medial portion (pars magnocellularis) of the medial geniculate body / E. Giannazzo, R. Raffaele, S. Sapienza, A. Urbano // Electroenceph. clin. Neurophysiol. - 1967. - Vol. 23. - P. 190-191

Дод. точки доступу:
Raffaele, R.; Sapienza, S.; Urbano, A.

Bullock, Theodore Holmes
Integration and rhythmicity in neural systems / Theodore Holmes Bullock // Am. Zoologist. - 1962. - Vol. 2. - P. 97-104


Biscoe, T. J.
Carotid body: structure and function / T. J. Biscoe // Physiol. Rev. - 1971. - Vol. 51, № 3, July. - P. 437-495


Biscoe, T. J.
Ultrastructure of the denervated carotid body / T. J. Biscoe, W. E. Stehbens // Quart. J. exp. Physiol. - 1967. - Vol. 52, № 1. - P. 31-36

Дод. точки доступу:
Stehbens, W.E.

Biscoe, T. J.
Observations on the rhythmic variation in the cat carotid body chemoreceptor activity which has the same period as respiration / T. J. Biscoe, M. J. Purves // J. Physiol. - 1967. - Vol. 190. - P. 389-412

Дод. точки доступу:
Purves, M.J.

Biscoe, T. J.
Observations on carotid body chemoreceptor activity and cervical sympathetic discharge in the cat / T. J. Biscoe, M. J. Purves // J. Physiol. - 1967. - Vol. 190. - P. 413-424

Дод. точки доступу:
Purves, M.J.

Biscoe, T. J.
Carotid body chemoreceptor activity in the new-born lamb / T. J. Biscoe, M. J. Purves // J. Physiol. - 1967. - Vol. 190. - P. 443-454

Дод. точки доступу:
Purves, M.J.

Brown, Arthur M..
Functional properties of calcium channels / Arthur M. Brown // Calcium regulation in biological systems. - 1984. - P. 171-184

Calvin, William H..
Synaptic potential summation and repetitive firing mechanisms: input-output theory for the recruitment of neurons into epileptic bursting firing patterns / William H. Calvin // Brain Res. - 1972. - Vol. 39, Is. 1, 14 Apr. - P. 71-94

Li, Choh-Luh.
Cortical intracellular potentials in response to stimulation of lateral geniculate body / Choh-Luh Li, Armando Ortiz-Galvin, Shelley N. Chou, Saxton Y. Howard // J. Physiol. - 1960. - Vol. 23, Nov. - P. 592-601

Дод. точки доступу:
Ortiz-Galvin, Armando; Chou, Shelley N.; Howard, Saxton Y.

Downman, C. B.B.
Viscerotomes and dermatomes: some comparisons of the inner and outer surfaces of the body / C. B.B. Downman // Studies in physiol. - 1965. - P. 47-51

Saper, C. B.
Organization of cerebral cortical afferent systems in the rat.II.Hypothalamocortical projections / C. B. Saper // J. Comp. Neurol. - 1985. - Vol.237 , №5 . - P. 21-46

Вouret, S.
Network reset : a simplified overarching theory of locus coeruleus noradrenaline function / S. Вouret, S. J. Sara // Trends in Neurosciences. - 2005. - Vol.28 , №11

Дод. точки доступу:
Sara, S.J.
Інститут фізіології імені О. О. Богомольця

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