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Regehr, Wade G..
Optical imaging of calcium accumulation in hippocampal pyramidal cells during synaptic activation / Wade G. Regehr, John A. Connor, David W. Tank // Nature. - 1989. - Vol. 341, № 6242, 12 Oct.. - P.. 533-536

Дод. точки доступу:
Connor, John A.; Tank, David W.

Connor, John A..
Depolarization- and transmitter-induced changes in intracellular Ca{\up 2+} of rat cerebellar granule cells in explant cultures / John A. Connor, Hsiu-Yu Tseng, Philip E. Hockberger // J. Neurosci.. - 1987. - Vol. 7, № 5, May. - P.. 1384-1400

Дод. точки доступу:
Tseng, Hsiu-Yu; Hockberger, Philip E.

Shain, W.
Spontaneous and beta-adrenergic receptor-mediated taurine release from astroglial cells are independent of manipulations of intracellular calcium / W. Shain, J. A. Connor, V. Madelian, D. L. Martin // J. Neurosci.. - 1989. - Vol. 9, № 7, July. - P.. 2306-2312

Дод. точки доступу:
Connor, J.A.; Madelian, V.; Martin, D.L.

Connor, C.
Comparison of ionic effects on longitudinal and circular muscle of cat jejunum / C. Connor, C. L. Prosser // Am. J. Physiol. - 1974. - Vol. 226, № 5, May. - P.. 1212-1218

Дод. точки доступу:
Prosser, C.L.

Connor, John A..
Time course separation of two inward currents in molluscan neurons / John A. Connor // Brain Res.. - 1977. - Vol. 119, № 2, Jan. 7. - P.. 487-492

Connor, John A..
Calcium current in molluscan neurones: measurement under conditions which maximize its visibility / John A. Connor // J. Physiol.. - 1979. - Vol. 286, Jan.. - P.. 41-60

Connor, J. A.
A study of pace-maker activity in intestinal smooth muscle / J. A. Connor, C. L. Prosser, W. A. Weems // J. Physiol.. - 1974. - Vol. 240, № 3, Aug.. - P.. 671-701

Дод. точки доступу:
Prosser, C.L.; Weems, W.A.

Connor, John A..
A novel membrane sodium current induced by injection of cyclic nucleotides into gastropod neurones / John A. Connor, Philip Hockberger // J. Physiol.. - 1984. - Vol. 354, Sept.. - P.. 139-162

Дод. точки доступу:
Hockberger, Philip

Ahmed, Zahur.
Measurement of calcium influx under voltage clamp in molluscan neurones using the metallochromic dye arsenazo III / Zahur Ahmed, John A. Connor. - [Б. м. : б. и.]. - Б. ц.

Дод. точки доступу:
Connor, John A.

Ahmed, Zahur.
Intracellular pH changes induced by calcium influx during electrical activity in molluscan neurons / Zahur Ahmed, John A. Connor // J. Gen. Physiol.. - 1980. - Vol. 75, № 4, April. - P.. 403-426

Дод. точки доступу:
Connor, John A.

Weigel, R. J.
Two roles of calcium during the spike in circular muscle of small intestine in cat / R. J. Weigel, J. A. Connor, C. L. Prosser // Am. J. Physiol.. - 1979. - Vol. 237, № 5, Nov.. - P.. C247-C256

Дод. точки доступу:
Connor, J.A.; Prosser, C.L.

Connor, John A..
Propagation and entrainment of slow waves in cat small intestine / John A. Connor, Allen W. Mangel, Burr Nelson // Am. J. Physiol. - 1979. - Vol. 237, № 5, Nov.. - P.. C237-C246

Дод. точки доступу:
Mangel, Allen W.; Nelson, Burr

Mangel, Allen W..
Contractions of cat small intestinal smooth muscle in calcium-free solution / Allen W. Mangel, D. O. Nelson, John A. Connor, C. Ladd Prosser // Nature. - 1979. - Vol. 281, № 5732, Oct.. - P.. 582-583

Дод. точки доступу:
Nelson, D.O.; Connor, John A.; Prosser, C. Ladd

Connor, John A..
Intracellular pH changes induced by injection of cyclic nucleotides into gastropod neurones / John A. Connor, Philip Hockberger // J. Physiol.. - 1984. - Vol. 354, Sep.. - P.. 163-172

Дод. точки доступу:
Hockberger, Philip

Connor, John A..
Sustained dendritic gradients of Ca{\up 2+} induced by excitatory amino acids in CA1 hippocampal neurons / John A. Connor, Wytse J. Wadman, Philip Hockberger, Robert K.S. Wong // Science. - 1988. - Vol. 240, № 4852, 29 Apr.. - P.. 649-653

Дод. точки доступу:
Wadman, Wytse J.; Hockberger, Philip; Wong, Robert K.S.

Connor, John A..
Digital imaging of Ca{\up 2+} levels in CNS neurons under conditions that induce facilitating increases in Ca{\up 2+} levels and sustained Ca{\up 2+} elevation / John A. Connor, Philip E. Hockberger // Cellular mechanisms of conditioning and behavioral plasticity. - 1988. - P.. 459-479

Дод. точки доступу:
Daniel L. Alkon, James L. McGaugh \ed.\; Woody, Charles D. \ed.\; Hockberger, Philip E.

Gibson, J. R.
Functional properties of electrical synapses between inhibitory interneurons of neocortical layer 4 / J.R.Gibson, M.Beierlein, B.W.Connors // J. Neurophysiol.. - 2005. - Vol.93 , №1 . - P.. 467-480

Дод. точки доступу:
Beierlein, M.; Connors, B.W.

XIth International Symposium on Amyloidosis / ed. M. Skinner, J.L.Berk, L.H.Connors, D.C.Seldin. - London, New York : CRC Press, 2008. - 406 с.. - Б. ц.
Дод. точки доступу:
Skinner, M. (ed..); Berk, J.L. (ed..); Connors, L.H. (ed..); Seldin, D.C. (ed..)
Інститут фізіології імені О. О. Богомольця

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