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 Знайдено в інших БД:Національна бібліотека України імені В. І. Вернадського (1621)Інститут археології (3)Інститут біохімії імені О. В. Палладіна (71)Інститут ботаніки
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Представлено документи з 1 до 20

Achasov, N.N. a.o.
Comments to new results in physics of ...-collisions / N.N. a.o. Achasov. - Novosibirsk : [б. и.], 1987. - 18 с. ; (Prepr./USSA Acad. of Scien., Sib. div.; Insitute for mathematics; TPh-№ 32). - Б. ц.

Achasov, N.N. a.o.
Is the resonance c(1480) in ... mass spectrum a new meson? / N.N. a.o. Achasov. - Novosibirsk : [б. и.], 1987. - 17 с. ; (Prepr./USSA Acad. of Scien., Sib. div.; Insitute for mathematics; TPh-№ 30). - Б. ц.

Achasov, N. N.
Comments to new results in physics of ... collisions / N. N. Achasov, G. N. Shestakov. - Novosibirsk : [б. и.], 1990. - 18 с. ; (Prepr./USSA Acad. of Scien., Sib. div.; Insitute for mathematics; TPh-№ 32(159)). - Б. ц.

Дод. точки доступу:
Shestakov, G.N.

Alger, P. -L.
Le developpement des machines electrique aux Etats-Unis / P. -L. Alger, F. -D. Newbury. - Paris : [б. и.], 1932. - 48 с. - Б. ц.

Дод. точки доступу:
Newbury, F.-D.

Altman, M.
A Unified Theory of Nonlinear Operators and Evolutions with Applications : a New Approach to Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations / M. Altman. - Dekker : [б. и.], 1986. - 292 с. - (Pure and Applied Mathematics. A Series of Monographs and Textbooks : v.103). - Б. ц.

Altman, M.
Contractors and Contractor Directions Theory and Applications : a New Approach to Solving equations / M. Altman. - N.Y., Basel: : [б. и.], 1977. - 290 с. - (Lecture Notes in Pure and Applied Mathematics : v.32). - Б. ц.

Aminov, Yu. A.
New ideas in differential geometry of submanifolds / Yu. A. Aminov. - Kharkiv : [б. и.], 2000. - 114 с. - Б. ц.

Appell, P.
Figures d'equilibre relatif d'un liquide homogene en rotation, don't les elements s'attirent suivant la loi de Newton / P. Appell. - Paris : [б. и.], 1919. - 63 с. - Б. ц.

Archibald, R. C.
Cajori's edition of Sir Isaac Newton's Mathematical principles of natural philosophy / R. C. Archibald. - N.Y. : [б. и.], 1935. - 69-74 с. - (Scripta Mathematica : v.3, N 1). - Б. ц.

Archibald, R. C.
Unpublished Letters of James Joseph Sylvester and other new information concerning his Life and Work / R. C. Archibald. - Preprinted from Osiris (Vol.1). - ? : [б. и.], 1936. - 154 с. - Б. ц.

Asian-Pacific Operations Research APORS'88. New Challanges for OR/MS in the Asian-Pacific Region : proceedings of the First Conference of the Association of Asian-Pacific Operational Research Societies (APORS) within IFORS. Seoul, Korea, August 24-26, 1988. - Amsterdam : [б. и.], 1990. - 736 с. - Б. ц.

Дод. точки доступу:
Ahn, B.-H. ((ed.))

Australian & New Zeland Journal of Statistics. - [Б. м. : б. и.]. - Б. ц.

Back, A.
A new test bench for measuring optical transfer functions of aerial camera lenses / A. Back. - Stockholm : [б. и.], 1963. - 24 с. - (Kungl. Tekniska Hogskolans handlingar. Transactions of the Royal Institute of Technology. (Pure and applied mathematics and physics 22) : 206). - Б. ц.

Born, M.
A new formulation of the laws of quantization of periodic and aperiodic phenomena / M. Born, N. Wiener. - ? : [б. и.], 1926. - 85-98 с. - (Publ. from the Massachusetts In-te of Technol. Contr. from the Departm. of Mathematics. Ser.2 : n 106). - Б. ц.

Дод. точки доступу:
Wiener, N.

Bothezat, G.
Back to Newton : a Challenge to Einstein's Theory of Relativity / G. Bothezat. - N.Y. : [б. и.], 1936. - 151 с. - Б. ц.

Brown, E. W.
Theory of the motion of the moon, containing a new calculation of the expresions for the coordinates of the moon in terms of the time : in 2 part. / E. W. Brown. - [Б. м. : б. и.]. - Б. ц.

Burgatti, P.
Applicazione dei potenziali newtoniani della elasticita / P. Burgatti. - Roma : [б. и.], 1914. - 776-781; 926-930 с. - (R. d. R. Accad. dei Lincei. Ser.5 : v.23, fasc.10 e 12). - Б. ц.

Cheney, E. W. SIAM Review, 1963, vol.5, no.3, pp.219-231.
A survey of methods for rational approximation, with particular reference to a new method based on a formula of Darboux / E. W. Cheney, T. H. Southard ; SIAM Review, 1963, vol.5, no.3, pp.219-231. - [Б. м. : б. и.]. - Б. ц.

Дод. точки доступу:
Southard, T.H.

Chvistek, L.
New foundation of formal metamathematics / L. Chvistek, W. Hetper. - Lwow : [б. и.], 1938. - 1-36 с. - (Instytut Logiki : v.3, N 1). - Б. ц.

Дод. точки доступу:
Hetper, W.

Combinatorial mathematics. VII : proceedings. Newcastle, Australia, 1979. - Berlin, etc. : [б. и.], 1980. - 256 с. - (Lecture notes in math. : vol.829). - Б. ц.
Інститут математики

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