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Accola, R. D.M.
Riemann surfaces, theta functions, and Abelian authomorphisms groups / R. D.M. Accola. - Berlin : [б. и.], 1975. - 105 с. - (Lecture notes in math. : vol.483). - Б. ц.

Agranovskii, M. L.
Invariant Function Spaces on Homogeneous Manifolds of Lie Groups and Applications / M. L. Agranovskii. - Providence : [б. и.], 1993. - ?. - (Translations of Mathematical Monographs. AMS : vol.126). - Б. ц.

Akiyoshi, H.
Punctured Torus Groups and 2-Bridge Knot Groups (I) / H. Akiyoshi, M. Sakuma, M. Wada, Y. Yamashita. - Springer : [б. и.], 2007. - 252 с. - (Lecture Notes in Mathematics : v.1909). - Б. ц.

Дод. точки доступу:
Sakuma, M.; Wada, M.; Yamashita, Y.

Encyclopedia of Mathematical Sciences. Vol. 73.
Algebra VIII : representations of Finite-Dimensional Algebras / Encyclopedia of Mathematical Sciences. Vol. 73. - Berlin : [б. и.], 1992. - 177 с. - Б. ц.

Дод. точки доступу:
Kostrikin, A.I. ((ed.)); Shafarevich, I.R. ((ed.))

Algebra VIII : representations of Finite-Dimensional Algebras. - Berlin, etc. : [б. и.], 1992. - 177 с. - (Encyclopedia of Mathematical Science : vol.73). - Б. ц.

Дод. точки доступу:
Kostrikin, A.I. ((ed.)); Shafarevich, I.R. ((ed.))

Algebraic groups and their generalizations : classicalmethods. Summer Research Institute on Algebraic Groups and their Generaliztions. July 6-26, 1991. Pennsylvania State Univercity, University Park, Pennsylvania. - Providence : [б. и.], 1994. - 383 с. - (Proceedings of symposia in pure mathematics : vol.56, p.1). - Б. ц.

Дод. точки доступу:
Haboush, W.J. ((ed.))

Algebraic groups and their generalizations : classicalmethods. Summer Research Institute on Algebraic Groups and their Generaliztions. July 6-26, 1991. Pennsylvania State Univercity, University Park, Pennsylvania. - Providence : [б. и.], 1994. - 415 с. - (Proceedings of symposia in pure mathematics : vol.56, p.2). - Б. ц.

Дод. точки доступу:
Haboush, W.J. ((ed.))

Algebras groups and geometries. - [Б. м. : б. и.]. - Б. ц.

Allenby, R. B.J.T.
Rings, fields and groups : an introduction to abstract algebra / R. B.J.T. Allenby. - London : [б. и.], 1983. - LIX, 294 с. - Б. ц.

Amoros, J.
Fundamental groups of compact Kahler manifolds / J. Amoros, M. Burger, K. Corlette, etc. - AMS : [б. и.], 1996. - 140 с. - (Mathematical Surveys and Monographs : v.44). - Б. ц.

Дод. точки доступу:
Burger, M.; Corlette, K.; etc.

Andersen, H. H.
Representations of quantum groups AT : a p-th root of unity and of semisimple groups in characteristics p: independence of p / H. H. Andersen, J. C. Jantzen, W. Soergel. - France : [б. и.], 1994. - 321 с. - (ASTERISQUE. Societe Mathematique de France : v.220). - Б. ц.

Дод. точки доступу:
Jantzen, J.C.; Soergel, W.

Armacost, D. L.
The Structure of Locally Compact Abelian Groups / D. L. Armacost. - Dekker : [б. и.], 1981. - 154 с. - (Pure and Applied Mathematics. A Series of Monographs and Textbooks : v.68). - Б. ц.

Arnold, D. M. Canadian Mathematical Society (CMS).
Abelian Groups and Representations of Finite Partially Ordered Sets / D. M. Arnold ; Canadian Mathematical Society (CMS). - N.Y. etc : [б. и.], 2000. - 244 с. - (CMS : books in Mathematics). - Б. ц.

Astaud, M.
"Groups" de renormalizations : theses / M. Astaud. - ? : [б. и.], 1969. - 41 с. - Б. ц.

Atiyan, M. F. Institut des Hautes Etudes Scientifiques.
Chatacter and cohomology of finitr groups / M. F. Atiyan ; Institut des Hautes Etudes Scientifiques. - Paris : [б. и.], 1961. - 23-64 с. - (Publications mathematiques : no.9). - Б. ц.

Atiyan, M. F.
Elliptic Operators and Compact Groups / M. F. Atiyan. - Berlin, etc. : [б. и.], 1974. - 93 с. - (Lecture notes in math. : vol.401). - Б. ц.

Automorphic forms, representations and L-functions. - Providence : [б. и.], 1979. - 322 с. - (Proceedings of symposia in pure mathematics : vol.33. Part 1). - Б. ц.

Automorphic forms, representations and L-functions. - Providence : [б. и.], 1979. - 382 с. - (Proceedings of symposia in pure mathematics : vol.33. Part 2). - Б. ц.

Automorphic Representations, L-Functions and Applications : progress and Prospects. - Walter de Gruyter : [б. и.], 2005. - 430 с. - Б. ц.

Дод. точки доступу:
Cogdell, J.W. ((ed.) a.o)

Banks, H. Brown University. Division of applied mathematics.
Representations for solutions of linear functional differential equations. / H. Banks ; Brown University. Division of applied mathematics. - [Б. м. : б. и.]. - (Technical report : 1968, No.2, 16 p.). - Б. ц.
Інститут математики

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