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Krishtal, M. A.
Damageability of Metals by Measuring Elastic, Inelastic, and other Physicomechanical Characteristics / M. A. Krishtal, G. F. Lepin // Strength of Materials. - New York : Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers, 1978. - Vol.: 10, N : 8. - P.. 906-913

Дод. точки доступу:
Lepin, G.F.

Krishtal, M. A.
Defects Occurring in the Formation of Coalings, Surface Strengthening, and Service of Long-Operating-life Machine Parts / M. A. Krishtal // Strength of Materials. - New York : Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers, 1981. - Vol.: 13, N : 3. - P.. 354-359

Krishtal, M. A.
Evaluating the Internal Dissipation of Vibration Energy in Matrix Composition Materials / M. A. Krishtal, I. I. Renne, N. M. Gaevskaya // Strength of Materials. - New York : Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers, 1989. - Vol.: 21, N : 4. - P.. 518-522

Дод. точки доступу:
Renne, I.I.; Gaevskaya, N.M.

Krishtal, M. A.
Features of the Deformation and Fracture of Bimetallic Laminates / M. A. Krishtal, L. E. Epshtein [et al.] // Strength of Materials. - New York : Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers, 1984. - Vol.: 16, N : 4. - P.. 484-489

Дод. точки доступу:
Epshtein, L.E.; Gokhberg, Y.A.; Shtein, L.M.; Merson, D.L.

Krishtal, M. A.
Influence of Microadditives of Li, La, P, and B on the Strength and Plasticity of Copper / M. A. Krishtal, M. A. Vyboishchik, A. L. Zolotoi // Strength of Materials. - New York : Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers, 1971. - Vol.: 3, N : 3. - P.. 304-308

Дод. точки доступу:
Vyboishchik, M.A.; Zolotoi, A.L.

Krishtal, M. A.
Phenomenological Description of Creep and Stress Relaxation Curves in Metals and Alloys / M. A. Krishtal, G. M. Gavrilov // Strength of Materials. - New York : Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers, 1978. - Vol.: 10, N : 12. - P.. 1405-1409

Дод. точки доступу:
Gavrilov, G.M.

Sudnik, V. A.
Schemes of Constructing Automatic Instruments for Continuous Recording of Inelastic and Elastic Properties of Metals / V. A. Sudnik, M. A. Krishtal, S. A. Golovin // Strength of Materials. - New York : Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers, 1975. - Vol.: 7, N : 8. - P.. 1038-1043

Дод. точки доступу:
Krishtal, M.A.; Golovin, S.A.

Krishtal, M. A.
Some Features of Metal Behavior in the Initial Stages of Plastic Flow Using the Internal Friction Method / M. A. Krishtal, A. N. Kharitonov // Strength of Materials. - New York : Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers, 1971. - Vol.: 3, N : 5. - P.. 530-533

Дод. точки доступу:
Kharitonov, A.N.

Krishtal, M. A.
Statistical Model of Internal Energy Dissipation in Composition Materials / M. A. Krishtal, I. I. Renne, N. M. Gaevskaya, I. N. Yurkin // Strength of Materials. - New York : Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers, 1990. - Vol.: 22, N : 7. - P.. 1058-1063

Дод. точки доступу:
Renne, I.I.; Gaevskaya, N.M.; Yurkin, I.N.
Інститут проблем міцності імені Г. С. Писаренка

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