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 Знайдено в інших БД:Національна бібліотека України імені В. І. Вернадського (578)Інститут археології (1)Інститут ботаніки
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Представлено документи з 1 до 20

Halling, Katrin K.
Effects of sterol, phospholipid and intercalator structure on the properties of lipid model membranes : academic dissertation / Katrin K. Halling ; Department of Biochemistry and Pharmacy, Abo Akademi University. - Turku ; Finland, 2008. - 58 p.
Дод. точки доступу:
Department of Biochemistry and Pharmacy; Abo Akademi University

Dipak, S. Harel
Natural Product Inspired Antiprotozoal Agents and [Sigma] Receptor Ligands: Design, Synthesis and Structure Activity Relationships : diss. / S. HarelDipak. - Pune, Indien, 2012. - 201 p.

Belitser, V. A.
Medium-dependent structure modification on the reconstitution fibrin / V. A. Belitser, V. Ph. Manyakov, T. V. Varetskaja // B.B.Acta. - 1971. - Vol. 236, № 3. - С. 546

Дод. точки доступу:
Manyakov, V.Ph.; Varetskaja, T.V.

Koval, L. M.
Structure and function of nicotinie acetylcholine in transformed B lymphocytes / L. M. Koval, S. I. Romanyuk, S. V. Komissarenko, M. V. Skok // Abstracts First (Inagural) Ukrainian Congress for Cell Biology, Lviv, Apr. 25-28 2004. - 2004. - С. 285

Дод. точки доступу:
Romanyuk, S.I.; Komissarenko, S.V.; Skok, M.V.

Komissarenko, S. V.
Structure and functions of nicotinic acetylcholine receptors expressed in B Lymphocyte-derived cell lines / S. V. Komissarenko, L. M. Koval, M. V. Skok // European Journal Biochemistry. - 2004. - 271, Suppl.1 : 29th FEBS Congress, Warsaw, Poland June 2004. - P.. 123

Анотація: В библиотеке нет. У авторов------------

Дод. точки доступу:
Koval, L.M.; Skok, M.V.

Kolesnikova, I. N.
Fibrinogen at the cold surface: peculiarities of the adsorption kineric and film structure / I. N. Kolesnikova, E. V. Lougovskoy, S. V. Komissarenko // European conference thin organised films, Potsdam, Germany, 14-18 Sept. 1998. - 1998. - С. 393-395

Анотація: В библиотеке нет. С работ сотрудников. У авторов------------

Дод. точки доступу:
Lougovskoy, E.V.; Komissarenko, S.V.

Slincenko, N.
Calix (4) arenesulfony lamidines. Synthesis, structure and influence on Mg2+, ATP-dependent calcium pumps / N. Slincenko, L. Babich, S. Slykov, S. Kosterin // Tetrahedror. Letters. - 2005. - Vol. 46, № 43. - С. 7459-7462

Анотація: В библиотеке нет. С работ сотрудников. У авторов------------

Дод. точки доступу:
Babich, L.; Slykov, S.; Kosterin, S.

Kuzmenko, I.
Content of fat soluble vitamins in blood of the invividuals affected by ecological changes as conseguence of the Chernobyl AES catastrofhe / I. Kuzmenko, G. Donchenko, L. Chernuhina // Proc. of the international regional seminar environment protection modern studies in ecology, Uzgorod 13-16 May 1997. - 1997. - Vol. 2. - С. 105-107

Анотація: В библиотеке нет. У авторов------------

Дод. точки доступу:
Donchenko, G.; Chernuhina, L.

Klyachina, M. A.
Calix[4]arene N-Chalconeamides: Synthesis and Influence on Mq2+, ATP-Dependent Ca2+ Accumulation in the Smooth Muscle Subcellular Structures / M. A. Klyachina, V. I. Boyko [и др.] // J. Inclusion Phenomena and Macrocyclic Chemistry. - 2008. - Vol. 60, N 1-2. - С. 131-137

Дод. точки доступу:
Boyko, V.I.; Yakovenko, A.V.; Babich, L.G.; Shlykov, S.G.; Kosterin, S.O.; Khilya, V.P.; Kalchenko, V.I.

Donchenko, G. V.
Nano-sized structures: Benefits and disadvantages for the health / G. V. Donchenko, E. N. Lavrinenko [и др.] // German-Ukrainian Symposium on Nanoscience and Nanotechnology (Essen, 22th - 25th September 2008, University of Duisburg-Essen).. - 2008. - С. 39

Дод. точки доступу:
Lavrinenko, E.N.; Prokopenko, V.A.; Palivoda, O.M.; Kuzmenko, A.I.

Shatursky, O. Ya.
Hydrophobic fragment (45 kDA) of Ca2+ - ATpase from rabbit skeletal muscle sarcoplasmic reticulum forms the potential-dependent calcium channel-like structure into bilayer lipid membrane (BLM) / O. Ya. Shatursky, M. D. Kursky, A. N. Fedorov // FEBS Special Meeting of Biological Membrane, Helsinki, Espo, Finland, June 26, 1994. - 1994. - P.165

Анотація: В библиотеке нет.------------

Дод. точки доступу:
Kursky, M.D.; Fedorov, A.N.

Labudzinsky, D. O.
Ecological features of nesting by Grey Heron (Ardea cinerea) in the outskirts of Kiev-city on the example of two colonies / D. O. Labudzinsky, O.O. Kukshyn // V International Young Scientists Conference "Biodiversity. Ecology. Adaptation. Evolution." 13-17 June, 2011 : Proceedings. - 2011. - С. 95-96

Анотація: В біб-ці немає------------

Дод. точки доступу:
Kukshyn, O.O.

Shkrabak, A.
The structure features and inhibitory properties of calixarenes relative to Na+, K+ -ATP-ase of miometrium cell plasma membrane / A. Shkrabak, T. Veklich, S. Cherenok // 6th International Symposium “Supramolecular Systems in Chemistry and Biology”, Strasburg, France, September 5-8, 2012 : Abstracts book. - 2012. - P.. SL 5

Дод. точки доступу:
Veklich, T.; Cherenok, S.

Veklich, T.
Comparative analysis of structure of calix[4]arenephosphonic acids and their inhibitory properties towards smooth muscle Na+, K+, -ATP-ase / T. Veklich, A. Shkrabak, S. Kosterin // International Symposium "Biological motility: Fundamental and applied science", Pushchino, May 11-15, 2012. - 2012. - Vol. 2. - P.. 241-242

Анотація: В бібліотеці немає------------

Дод. точки доступу:
Shkrabak, A.; Kosterin, S.

Demchenko, A. P.
Excited-state proton coupled charge transfer modulated by molecular structure and media polarization / A. P. Demchenko, Kuo-Chun TangPi-Tai Chou // Chemical Society Reviews. - 2013. - Vol.42, Issue3. - P.. 1379-1408

Анотація: В бібліотеці немає------------

Дод. точки доступу:
Kuo-Chun Tang; Pi-Tai Chou

Pydiura, N.
Investigation of the structure and mechanisms of action of proline flanked peptides - inhibitors of fibrin polymerization / N. Pydiura, P. Gritsenko [и др.] // An International Symposium dedicated to Prolines and derivatives organized under the auspices of the GFPP, April 2-3rd, 2012, Montpellier, France : Abstracts. - 2012. - Ст. P.016

Дод. точки доступу:
Gritsenko, P.; Pozniak, T.; Urvant, L.; Lugovskoi, E.

Ukrainian-German Symposium on Physics and Chemistry of Nanostructures and on Nanobiotechnology (Kyiv, Ukraine, 21-25 Sept., 2015) : book of Abstracts. - К. : [б. и.], 2015. - 292 p.. - Б. ц.


Encapsulation and crystallization of poorly soluble drug prednisolone in micellar nanocontainers / T. B. Zheltonozhskaya [и др.] ;
Micellar structures of block copolymers based on poly(ethylene oxide) and poly(e-caprolactone) as nanocarriers for drugs and their biological activity / S. Partsevskaya [и др.] ;
The carbon nanotubes affect the expression of CCND2 gene endoding a key cell cycle controlling facroe in human U87 glioma cells / D. O. Tsymbal [и др.] ;
Fullerene C60 modulates proliferative actiity of leukemic L1210 cells resistant to cisplatin / G. Pasichnyk [и др.]

Дод. точки доступу:
Gorchev, V. F.

Micellar structures of block copolymers based on poly(ethylene oxide) and poly(e-caprolactone) as nanocarriers for drugs and their biological activity / S. Partsevskaya [и др.] // Ukrainian-German Symposium on Physics and Chemistry of Nanostructures and on Nanobiotechnology (Kyiv, Ukraine, 21-25 Sept., 2015) : Book of Abstracts. - К., 2015. - С. 264

Шифр журнала: 620.3(065)/U31-646252
Дод. точки доступу:
Partsevskaya, S.; Zheltonozhskaya, T.; Klymchuk, D.; Gorchev, V.
Український біохімічний журнал .- К.
№ 6

Osadchuk, T. V.
Chemical structure and properties of low-molecular furin inhibitors / T. V. Osadchuk, V. K. Shybyryn, V. K. Kibirev // Ukrainian biochemical journal. - 2016. - Том 88, N 6. - С. 5-25 . - ISSN 0201-8470
Перейти: http://ukrbiochemjournal.org/2016/12/chemical-structure-and-properties-of-low-molecular-furin-inhibitors.html

Дод. точки доступу:
Shybyryn, V.K.; Kibirev, V.K.
Інститут біохімії імені О. В. Палладіна

Всі права захищені © Національна бібліотека України імені В. І. Вернадського