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Загальна кількість знайдених документів : 70
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1.1,3-Oxazol-4-ylphosphonium salts as new non-peptide inhibitors of furin / T. V. Osadchuk [и др.] // Ukrainian biochemical journal. -К.:Інститут біохімії ім. О.В. Палладіна, 2019. т.Vol. 91,N N 4.-С.5-16
2.A new affine inhibitor of sodium pump thiacalix[4]arene С-1193 increases the intracellular concentration of Ca ions and modifies myometrium contractility / T. O. Veklich [и др.] // Ukrainian biochemical journal. -К.:Інститут біохімії ім. О.В. Палладіна, 2023. т.Vol. 95,N N 5.-С.5-21.- URL: http://ukrbiochemjournal.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/11/Veklich_95_5.pdf
3.Borisova T. New model of putative duality of presynaptic events for further implementation in artificial neural networks / T. Borisova // Ukrainian biochemical journal. -К.:Інститут біохімії ім. О.В. Палладіна, 2017. т.Vol. 89,N N Special Issue.-С.31
4.Borisova T. Effects of new fluorinated analogues of GABA, pregabalin bioisosters, on the ambient level and exocytotic release of [3H]GABA from rat brain nerve terminals / T. Borisova, N. Pozdnyakova [и др.] // Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry, 2017. т.Vol. 25,N Issue 2.-С.759-764.- URL: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0968089616313025
5.Borisova T. Synthesis of new fluorinated analogs of GABA, Pregabalin bioisosteres, and their effects on [3H]GABA uptake by rat brain nerve terminals / T. Borisova, N. Pozdnyakova [и др.] // Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry, 2015. т.Vol.23 .-С.4316-4323.- URL: http://ac.els-cdn.com/S0968089615005325/1-s2.0-S0968089615005325-main.pdf?_tid=2e25c8b6-441a-11e6-8eb1-00000aacb362&acdnat=1467879171_963e653ef9d1bcd8f5aa5993b850d25b
6.Boyko V.V. New enhansing supports for biochemical and art application / V. V. Boyko, G. I. Dovbeshko [и др.] // Second International Conference "Nanobiophysics: fundamental and applied aspects", Kyiv, Ukraine, October 6-9, 2011 , 2011.-С.108
7.Chernyshenko V. Peroral application of activated carbon inhibits systemic blood coagulation activation in rats after X-ray irradiation / V. Chernyshenko, E. Snezhkova [и др.] // International Conference on Open Dialog in Applied Engineering: Recent Advances and New Frontiers. November 14-17, 2019. Madeira, Portugal, 2019.-С.24
8.Combined Conference, National Convention Centre, Canberra, ACT Australia, 21-25 September 2008 : Abstracts / Australian Society for Biochemistry & Molecular Biology, Australian Society of Plant Scientists, Australia and New Zealand Society for Cell and Developmental Biology. - Canberra : [б. и.], 2008. - 168 p.
9.Danilovskyi S.V. ERN1 signalling system as a new target for anticancer therapy / S. V. Danilovskyi, D. O. Minchenko [и др.] // Biopolymers and Cell:Інститут молекулярної біології і генетики НАН України, 2012. т.Т. 28,N № 2 Suppl. Bridges in Life Sciences 7th Annual Conference & RECOOP HST Association 2nd General Assembly, March 30–31 and April 1, 2012.-С.212
10.Dekaliuk M. New Approach for Cell Imaging and Apoptosis Detection by Fluorescent Carbon Nanoparticles / M. Dekaliuk, K. Pyrshev, A. Demchenko // 16th International conference of biochemistry and molecular biology. July 17–21, 2016, Vancouver, Canada. Abstract book, 2016.- Ст.PP01.31.-С.P.58.- URL: http://www.iubmb2016.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/07/IUBMB2016-Abstract-Book.pdf
11.Dekaliuk M. New approach for cell imaging with fluorescent carbon nanoparticles / M. Dekaliuk, K. Pyrshev, O. Demchenko // FEBS Journal, 2016. т.Vol. 283,N Issue Supplement S1:Special Issue: 41st FEBS Congress, Molecular and Systems Biology for a Better Life, Ephesus/Kuşadasi, Turkey, September 3-8, 2016.- Ст.P-07.01.3-004.-С.P. 313.- URL: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Nusret_Zencirci2/publication/312229698_Phytochemical_contents_and_antioxidant_activities_of_some_bread_Triticum_aestivum_L_durum_Triticum_turgidum_ssp_durum_Desf_and_hulled_einkorn_Triticum_monococcum_ssp_monococcum_wheats/links/5878736608ae329d62283ad8/Phytochemical-contents-and-antioxidant-activities-of-some-bread-Triticum-aestivum-L-durum-Triticum-turgidum-ssp-durum-Desf-and-hulled-einkorn-Triticum-monococcum-ssp-monococcum-wheats.pdf
12.Demchenko O. New and prospective nanocomposites for super-resolution and single-molecular studies / O. Demchenko, M. Dekaliuk [и др.] // 16th European Light Microscopy Initiative (ELMI) Meeting, Debrecen, 24-27 May 2016. Abstract book, 2016.-С.P.4 – invited plenary lecture
13.Donchenko G.V. The actionsof tocopherol and tocopherol binding proteins on RNA-Polymerase activity / G. V. Donchenko, A. A. Kapralov, G. V. Petrova // 16 International Congress of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, New Delii, India, September 19-22, 1994, 1994. т.Vol. II.-С.56
14.Fedorov A.N. Elaboration and inulcation Nonshcool forms and methods of Biochemical Education of teen-Agers / A. N. Fedorov, V. I. Nazarenco, G. V. Donchenko // 16 International Congress of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, New Delii, India, September 19-22, 1994, 1994. т.Vol. II.-С.429
15.Gritsenko P.G. New polymerization sites in the central and peripheral domains of fibrin molecule / P. G. Gritsenko, E. V. Lugovskoy, I. N. Kolesnikova, S. V. Komissarenko // Journal of Thrombosis and Haemostasis, 2003. т.Vol.1,N Supplement 1:Abstracts from XIX Congress of the International Society on Thrombosis and Haemostasis, Birmingham, UK, July 12-18 2003.-С.Abstract: OC030
16.Halytskiy V. New paradigm of carcinogenesis: shifts in non-coding RNAome create an epigenetic template for cell transformation / V. Halytskiy // 1st Conference "Integrative Biology and Medicine". October 2-7, 2017, Kyiv, Ukraine, 2017.-С.35.- URL: https://integrativebio.com.ua/wp-content/uploads/2018/01/integrativebio_abstracts.pdf
17.Halytskiy V. Non-coding RNA-directed transcriptional silencing performs allelic exclusion and dosage compensation: the new role of ancient mechanism / V. Halytskiy // The Non-Coding Genome. October 18-21, 2013. Heidelberg, Germany, 2015.-С.131
18.Janockova j. Synthesis and biological activity of the new tocopherol analogue: DNA-tocopherol interactions / j. Janockova, G. V. Donchenko, O. I. Kuzmenko, M. Kozurkova // 7th Central European Conference “Chemistry towards Biology”September 9 - 12 2014, Katowice, Poland, 2014.-С.13
19.Kanyuk M. New fluorescent nanomaterial based on silver atoms and organic dye for biosensing and biomaging applications / M. Kanyuk // Proceedings of the International Conference "Nanomaterials: Applications and Properties", Alushta, the Crimea, Ukraine, September 17- 22, 2012, 2012. т.Vol. 1 ,N N2.-С.02NNBM26(3pp)
20.Komisarenko S.V. New polimerization sites funktioning at two stages of fibrin selfassembly / S. V. Komisarenko, E. V. Lugovskoy [и др.] // 30th FEBS Congress - 9th IUBMB Conference, Budapest, Hungary, 2-7 July 2005, 2005
Інститут біохімії імені О. В. Палладіна

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