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Загальна кількість знайдених документів : 141
Представлено документи з 1 до 20

Сategory Theory and Applied Systems Analysis in Decision-Making Problems: Proc. of the XV-th Intern. Hutsulian Workshop (26-30 April 2004, Kyiv; 16-21 September 2005, Sevastopol) / S.S. Moskaliuk. - Kyiv : TIMPANI, 2006. - 264 с. - Б. ц.

Кл.слова: Applied Systems Analysis Category Theory Decision-Making Problems Conference 2005 -2004 Hutsulian Kyiv -- Sevastopol конф. Киев Севастополь -- applied -- systems -- analysis -- category -- theory -- decision -- making -- problems -- conference -- hutsulian -- kyiv -- sevastopol -- конф -- киев -- севастополь

Дод. точки доступу:

Рабочее совещание по системам и методам аналитических вычислений на ЭВМ и их применению в теоретической физике (Дубна, 18-21 сентября 1979г.) = International Conference on Systems and Techniques of Analytical Computing and Their Applications in Theoretical Physics (Dubna, September 18-21, 1979). - Дубна : ОИЯИ, 1980. - 187 с. - Б. ц.

Кл.слова: Аналитические вычисления ЭВМ совещание -- аналитические -- вычисления -- эвм -- совещание

Ziman, J. M.
Models of Disorder:The Theoretical Physics of Homogeneously Disordered Systems / Ziman J.M. - Cambridge : Cambridge Univ. Press, 1979. - 525 с. - Б. ц.

Кл.слова: disorder cellular topological continuum topological macromolecular models order -- disorder -- cellular -- topological -- continuum -- macromolecular -- models -- order

Wiegel, F. W.
Lecture notes in Physics. Vol. 121: Fluid Flow through Porous Macromolecular Systems / Wiegel F.W. - Berlin : Springer, 1980. - 102 с. - (Lecture Notes in Physics. Vol. 121). - Б. ц.

Кл.слова: hydrodynamics solution statistical thermodynamics physical chemistry biophysics -- hydrodynamics -- solution -- statistical -- thermodynamics -- physical -- chemistry -- biophysics

Tunneling in Biological Systems: Proc. of a Symp. on ...(Philadelphia, November 3-5, 1977) . - N.Y. : Acad. Press, 1979. - 758 с. - Б. ц.

Кл.слова: biological physics biophysics tunneling systems biological chemical physical photosynthetic -- biological -- physics -- biophysics -- tunneling -- systems -- chemical -- physical -- photosynthetic

Tsokos, C. P.
Lecture Notes in Mathematics. Vol. 233: Random Integral Equations with Applications to Stochastic Systems / Tsokos C.P., Padgett W.J. - Berlin : Springer, 1971. - 174 с. - (Lecture Notes in Mathematics. Vol. 233). - Б. ц.

Кл.слова: integral equations applications stochastic systems -- integral -- equations -- applications -- stochastic -- systems

Дод. точки доступу:
Padgett, W. J.

Transfer and Storage of Energy by Molecules. Vol. 1: Electronic Energy. - London : Wiley, 1969. - 233 с. - Б. ц.

Кл.слова: electronic energy molecules radiation chemistry organic molecules molecular biochemistry -- electronic -- energy -- molecules -- radiation -- chemistry -- organic -- molecular -- biochemistry

Toledano, J. -C.
The Landau Theory of Phase Transitions: Application to Structural, Incommensurate, Magnetic, and Liquid Crystal Systems / Toledano J.-C., Toledano P. - Singapore : World Scient., 1987. - 451 с. - Б. ц.

Кл.слова: Landau theory phase transitions application magnetic liquid crystal systems -- landau -- theory -- phase -- transitions -- application -- magnetic -- liquid -- crystal -- systems

Дод. точки доступу:
Toledano, P.

Thouless, D. J.
The Quantum Mechanics of Many-Body Systems / Thouless D.J. - N.Y. : Acad. Press, 1961. - 175 с. - Б. ц.

Кл.слова: quantum mechanics many-body systems superconductivity theory -- quantum -- mechanics -- many -- body -- systems -- superconductivity -- theory

Thirring, W.
Lehrbuch der Mathematischen Physik Bd.1: Klassische Dynamische Systeme / Thirring W. - Wien : Springer, 1977. - 255 с. - Б. ц.

Кл.слова: mathematical physics dynamical systems deutsch german -- mathematical -- physics -- dynamical -- systems -- deutsch -- german

Thirring, W.
A Course in Mathematical Physics. Vol. 4: Quantum Mechanics of Large Systems / Thirring W. - N.Y. : Springer, 1983. - 290 с. - Б. ц.

Кл.слова: mathematical physics quantum mechanics large systems -- mathematical -- physics -- quantum -- mechanics -- large -- systems

Thirring, W.
A Course in Mathematical Physics. Vol. 1: Classical Dynamical Systems / Thirring W. - N.Y. : Springer, 1978. - 258 с. - Б. ц.

Кл.слова: mathematical physics dynamical systems -- mathematical -- physics -- dynamical -- systems

Theory of Condensed Matter: Lectures presented at an Intern. Course (Trieste, 3 October-16 December, 1967). - Vienna : IAEA, 1968. - 1015 с. - Б. ц.

Кл.слова: condensed matter theory liquids molecules electronic properties -- condensed -- matter -- theory -- liquids -- molecules -- electronic -- properties

Structural Stability in Physics: Proc. of two Intern. Symposia on Applications of Catastrophe Theory and Topological Concepts in Physics (Tubingen, Germany, May 2-6 and December 11-14, 1978) - Second Print. / Guttingen W., Eikemeier H. [Eds.]. - Berlin : Springer , 1980. - 309 с. - (Springer Ser. in Synergetics Vol. 4). - Б. ц.

Кл.слова: mathematical physics -- synergetics catastrophe theory -- topology in physics phase transitions statistical mechanics synergetics dynamical systems infinite dimensions -- mathematical -- physics -- synergetics -- catastrophe -- theory -- topology -- in -- phase -- transitions -- statistical -- mechanics -- dynamical -- systems -- infinite -- dimensions

Дод. точки доступу:
Guttingen, W.; Eikemeier, H.

Statistical Physics and Chaos in Fusion Plasmas / Horton C.W., Reichl L.E. [Eds.]. - N.Y. : Wiley, 1984. - 361 с. - Б. ц.

Кл.слова: Statistical physics -- chaos -- fusion plasmas -- nonlinear systems theories -- statistical -- physics -- fusion -- plasmas -- nonlinear -- systems -- theories

Дод. точки доступу:
Horton, C. W.; Reichl, L. E.

Solid State Physics / Kubo R., Nagamiya T. [Eds.]. - N.Y. : McGraw-Hill, 1969. - 839 с. - Б. ц.

Кл.слова: Solid state physics -- electron problem superconductivity electronic phenomena perfect crystals magnetism dielectrics crystal lattice defects  -- solid -- state -- physics -- electron -- problem -- superconductivity -- electronic -- phenomena -- perfect -- crystals -- magnetism -- dielectrics -- crystal -- lattice -- defects

Дод. точки доступу:
Kubo, R.; Nagamiya, T.

Organic Molecular Crystals: Their Electronic States / Silinsh E.A. - Berlin : Springer, 1980. - 389 с. - (Solid State Sciences 16). - Б. ц.

Кл.слова: Crystals Organic -- molecular -- crystals -- organic

Control of quantum systems / Shuang Cong. - Singapore : Wiley, 2014. - 425 с. - Б. ц.

Кл.слова: quantum systems -- automatic control -- control theory -- Lyapunov method -- quantum -- systems -- automatic -- control -- theory -- lyapunov -- method

Shirer, H. N.
Lecture Notes in Physics. Vol. 185: Mathematical Structure of the Singularities at the Transitions Between Steady States in Hydrodynamic Systems / Shirer H.N., Wells R. - Berlin : Springer, 1983. - 276 с. - (Lecture Notes in Physics. Vol. 185). - Б. ц.

Кл.слова: Catastrophe theory transitions hydrodynamics -- phase portrait convection stability unfoldings mathematical physics -- catastrophe -- theory -- transitions -- hydrodynamics -- phase -- portrait -- convection -- stability -- unfoldings -- mathematical -- physics

Дод. точки доступу:
Wells, R.
Шифр: p10663 ()
Semiconductor Physics, Quantum Electronics and Optoelectronics. - Ukraine : [б. и.], 1999,2004 - . - Книгосховище
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Інститут теоретичної фізики імені М. М. Боголюбова

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