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 Знайдено в інших БД:Національна бібліотека України імені В. І. Вернадського (12)Інститут зоології (3)
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Lecture Notes in Physics. Vol. 202: Asymptotic Behavior of Mass and Spacetime Geometry: Proc. of the Conf. (Oregon, USA, October 17-21, 1983). - Berlin : Springer, 1984. - 213 с. - (Lecture Notes in Physics. Vol. 202). - Б. ц.

Кл.слова: Asymptotic Behavior of Mass -- Spacetime Geometry -- Black Holes -- Gauge Fields -- asymptotic -- behavior -- of -- mass -- spacetime -- geometry -- black -- holes -- gauge -- fields

Basawa, I. V.
Lecture Notes in Statistics. Vol. 17: Asymptotic Optimal Inference for Non-ergodic Models / Basawa I.V., Scott D.J. - N.Y. : Springer, 1983. - 170 с. - (Lecture Notes in Statistics. Vol. 17). - Б. ц.

Кл.слова: Non-Ergodic Model -- Asymptotic Efficiencies -- Statistics -- Ergodic Theory -- Estimation Theory -- non -- ergodic -- model -- asymptotic -- efficiencies -- theory -- estimation

Дод. точки доступу:
Scott, D. J.

Differential Equations, Asymptotic Analysis, and Mathematical Physics / Demuth M., Schulze B.-W. - Berlin : Akademie Verlag, 1997. - 424 с. - (Mathematical Research. Vol. 100). - Б. ц.

Кл.слова: Differential Equations -- Asymptotic Analysis -- differential -- equations -- asymptotic -- analysis

Дод. точки доступу:
Demuth, M.; Schulze, B. -W.

Mitropolskii, Y. A.
Lectures on Asymptotic Methods of Nonlinear Dynamics / Mitropolskii Y.A., Nguen Van Dao. - Hanoi : Vietnam National Univ. Publ. House, 2003. - 492 с. - Б. ц.

Кл.слова: Asymptotic Methods Nonlinear Dynamics Differential equation -- asymptotic -- methods -- nonlinear -- dynamics -- differential -- equation

Дод. точки доступу:
Nguen (Dao)

Guillemin, V.
Geometric Asymptotics: Mathematical Surveys. N 14 / Guillemin V., Sternberg S. - Providence : AMS, 1977. - 474 с. - Б. ц.

Кл.слова: geometry differential asymptotic expansions optics geometrical -- geometry -- differential -- asymptotic -- expansions -- optics -- geometrical

Дод. точки доступу:
Sternberg, S.

Mathematical Methods in Electromagnetic Theory: Proceedings of the 11-th Intern. Conference (Kharkiv, Ukraine, June 26 - 29, 2006). - Kharkiv : Institut of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 2006. - 622 с. - Б. ц.

Кл.слова: Mathematical methods electromagnetic theory nanoelectromagnetic asymptotic methods -- mathematical -- methods -- electromagnetic -- theory -- nanoelectromagnetic -- asymptotic

Kevorkian, J.
Perturbation Methods in Applied Mathematics / Kevorkian J., Cole J.D. - N.Y. : Springer, 1981. - 558 с. - (Applied Mathematical Sciences 34). - Б. ц.

Кл.слова: Differential equations numerical solutions asymptotic theory perturbation -- differential -- equations -- numerical -- solutions -- asymptotic -- theory -- perturbation

Дод. точки доступу:
Cole, J. D.

Painleve Transcendents: Their Asymptotics and Physical Applications . - Proc. of a NATO Advanced Research Workshop (Sainte-Adele, Quebec, Canada, September 3-7, 1990) / Levi D., Winternitz P. [Eds.]. - N.Y. : Plenum Press, 1992. - 446 с. - (NATO ASI Ser. B: Physics Vol. 278). - Б. ц.

Кл.слова: Painleve equations -- Mathematical physics -- asymptotic theory analysis  -- painleve -- equations -- mathematical -- physics -- asymptotic -- theory -- analysis

Дод. точки доступу:
Levi, D.; Winternitz, P.

Rutten, H. s.
Asymptotic Approximation in the Three-Dimensional Theory of Thin and Thick Shells: The Practical Classification of Shell Problems . Shells of Homogeneous, Isotropic, Elastic Materials. Systematic Systems of Linear Equations and Conditions / Rutten H.s. - Voorburg : Nederlandse Boekdruk Ind., 1971. - 625 с. - Б. ц.

Кл.слова: Shells elastic thin thick approximation asymptotic -- shells -- elastic -- thin -- thick -- approximation -- asymptotic

Widom, H.
Lecture Notes in Mathematics. Vol. 1152: Asymptotic Expansions for Pseudodifferential Operators on Bounded Domains / Widom H. - Berlin : Springer , 1985. - 149 с. - (Lecture Notes in Mathematics. Vol. 1152). - Б. ц.

Кл.слова: pseudodifferential operators domains -- pseudodifferential -- operators -- domains
Інститут теоретичної фізики імені М. М. Боголюбова

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