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Інститут теоретичної фізики імені М. М. Боголюбова - результати пошуку

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Proceedings of Symposia in Pure Mathematics: Several Complex Variables. Vol.30, Part 1, 2 / Wells, JR. R.O. . - Providence : AMS, 1977. - P.1- 390, P.2- 328. - Б. ц.

Дод. точки доступу:
Wells; JR., R. O.

Proceedings of Symposia in Pure Mathematics: Relations Between Combinatorics and other Parts of Mathematics. Vol.34 / Ray-Chaudhuri D.K. - Providence : AMS, 1979. - 378 с. - Б. ц.

Дод. точки доступу:
Ray-Chaudhuri, D. K.

Proceedings of Symposia in Pure Mathematics: Complex Geometry and Lie Theory. Vol.53. - Providence : AMS, 1991. - 348 с. - Б. ц.

Actual Problems of Microworld Physics: Proc. of Intern. School-Seminar (Gomel, Belarus, July 28- August 8, 2003) Vol. 1-2 / Starovoitov P. - Dubna : JINR, 2004. - V.1-280 c.,V.2-269. - Б. ц.

Кл.слова: Microworld Physics Quantum Field Theory Relativistic Hadrons Nuclei School-Seminar Conference Gomel 2003 Гомель школа-семинар конференция -- microworld -- physics -- quantum -- field -- theory -- relativistic -- hadrons -- nuclei -- school -- seminar -- conference -- gomel -- гомель -- школа -- семинар -- конференция

Дод. точки доступу:
Starovoitov, P.

Lecture Notes in Mathematics. Vol. 505: Advances in Complex Function Theory./Proc. of Seminars, Maryland Univ., 1973/74. - Berlin : Springer, 1976. - 203 с. - (Lecture Notes in Mathematics). - Б. ц.

Кл.слова: Complex Function Theory  -- complex -- function -- theory

Ahlfors, L. V.
Complex Analysis. An Introduction to the Theory of Analytic Functions of one Complex Variable. Third Ed. / Ahlfors L.V. - N.Y. : McGraw-Hill, 1979. - 331 с. - Б. ц.

Кл.слова: Complex Analysis Analytic Functions Complex Variable -- complex -- analysis -- analytic -- functions -- variable

Austern, N.
Direct Nuclear Reaction Theories / Austern N. - N.Y. : Wiley, 1970. - 390 с. - Б. ц.

Кл.слова: Wave Direct Reactions Coupled Channels High Energy Polarizations Angular Correlations Unified Dispersion Theories -- wave -- direct -- reactions -- coupled -- channels -- high -- energy -- polarizations -- angular -- correlations -- unified -- dispersion -- theories

Blaha, S.
Quantum Big Bang Cosmology: Complex Space-Time General Relativity, Quantum Coordinates™, Dodecahedral Universe, Inflation, and New Spin 0, ½, 1 & 2 Tachyons & Imagions™ / Blaha S. - Auburn ; USA ; USA : Pingree-Hill Publ., 2004. - 378 с. - Б. ц.

Кл.слова: Quantum Cosmology -- Space-Time -- General Relativity -- quantum -- cosmology -- space -- time -- general -- relativity

Bremermann, H.
Distributions, Complex Variables, and Fourier Transforms / Bremermann H. - N.Y. : Addison-Wesley, 1965. - 186 с. - Б. ц.

Кл.слова: Distributions -- Complex Variables -- Fourier Transforms -- complex -- variables -- fourier -- transforms

Cannata, F.
Giant Resonance Phenomena in Intermediate-Energy Nuclear Reactions / Cannata F., Überall H. . - Berlin : Springer, 1980. - 112 с. - (Springer Tracts in Modern Physics. Vol. 89). - Б. ц.

Кл.слова: Nuclear Reactions -- Resonance Phenomena -- nuclear -- reactions -- resonance -- phenomena

Дод. точки доступу:
Überall, H.

Clemens, C. H.
A Scrapbook of Complex Curve Theory / Clemens C.H. - N.Y. : Plenum Press, 1980. - 186 с. - Б. ц.

Кл.слова: Algebraic Curves -- Theta Functions -- Jacobi Varieties -- algebraic -- curves -- theta -- functions -- jacobi -- varieties

Clustering Aspects of Nuclear Structure and Nuclear Reactions (Winnipeg, 1978)- AIP Conference Proceedings N 47. - N.Y. : AIP, 1978. - 792 с. - (AIP Conference Proceedings N 47). - Б. ц.

Кл.слова: Cluster Effect -- Nuclear Physics -- Nuclear Reactions -- cluster -- effect -- nuclear -- physics -- reactions

Lecture Notes in Mathematics. Vol. 599: Complex Analysis:Proc. of the Conf. (Univ. of Kentucky, May 18-22, 1976). - Berlin : Springer, 1977. - 159 с. - (Lecture Notes in Mathematics. Vol. 599). - Б. ц.

Кл.слова: Complex Analysis -- complex -- analysis

Lecture Notes in Physics. Vol. 126 Complex Analysis, Microlocal Calculus and Relativistic Quantum Theory. - Berlin : Springer, 1980. - 502 с. - (Lecture Notes in Physics. Vol. 126). - Б. ц.

Кл.слова: Complex Analysis -- Quantum Theory -- complex -- analysis -- quantum -- theory

Complex Manifold Techniques in Theoretical Physics / Lerner D.E., Sommers P.D. Eds. - San Francisco : Pitman, 1979. - 242 с. - (Research Notes in Mathematics). - Б. ц.

Кл.слова: Mathematical Physics -- Complex Manifold -- mathematical -- physics -- complex -- manifold

Дод. точки доступу:
Lerner, D. E.; Sommers, P. D.

Complex Systems - Operational Approaches in Neurobiology, Physics, and Computers: Proc. of Intern. Symposium on Synergetics ( Schloβ Elmau, Bavaria, May 6-11, 1985) / Haken H. - Berlin : Springer, 1985. - 365 с. - Б. ц.

Кл.слова: Synergetics -- System Theory -- Neurobiology -- Computers -- system -- theory

Дод. точки доступу:
Haken, H.

Complexity, Chaos, and Biological Evolution: Proc. of a NATO Advanced Research Workshop. (Hindsgavl, Denmark, August 6-10, 1990) / Mosekilde E., Mosekilde L. - N.Y. : Plenum Press, 1991. - 431 с. - (NATO ASI Series). - Б. ц.

Кл.слова: Biophysics -- Evolution Biology -- Biological Systems -- Molecular Biology -- Morphogenesis -- Chaotic Behavior in Systems -- evolution -- biology -- biological -- systems -- molecular -- chaotic -- behavior -- in

Дод. точки доступу:
Mosekilde, E.; Mosekilde, L.

Multiparticle Dynamics: Proc. of the XVIII Intern. Symposium. (Tashkent, September 8-12, 1987) / Dremin I., Gulamov K. - Singapore : World Scient., 1988. - 818 с. - Б. ц.

Кл.слова: Nuclear Reactions -- Hadron Interactions -- Multiparticle Dynamics -- Symposium -- Tashkent -- Симпозиум -- Ташкент -- 1987  -- nuclear -- reactions -- hadron -- interactions -- multiparticle -- dynamics -- симпозиум -- ташкент

Дод. точки доступу:
Dremin, I.; Gulamov, K.

Cornish-Bowden, A.
Fundamentals of Enzyme Kinetics / Cornish-Bowden A. - London : Butterworths, 1979. - 230 с. - Б. ц.

Кл.слова: Enzyme Kinetics -- Chemical Reactions -- enzyme -- kinetics -- chemical -- reactions

Lecture Notes in Physics. Vol. 56: Current Induced Reactions: Intern. Summer Institute on Theoretical Particle Physics. - Hamburg 1975. - Berlin : Springer, 1976. - 553 с. - (Lecture Notes in Physics. Vol. 56). - Б. ц.

Кл.слова: Elementary Particles -- Nuclear Reactions -- elementary -- particles -- nuclear -- reactions
Інститут теоретичної фізики імені М. М. Боголюбова

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