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Загальна кількість знайдених документів : 531
Представлено документи з 1 до 20
1.3rd European Conference on Microcirculationб, Jerusalem 1964 / ed. H. Harders. - Basel (Swirtzerland) ; New York : S. Karger, 1965. - 606 p. + 2 farb.. - (Bibliotheca Anatomica ; fasc.7)
2.4th European Conference on Microcirculation. Cambridge 1966 / ed. H. Harders. - New York ; Basel : S.Karger, 1967. - 548 p. + 278 fig. + 44 tab.. - (Biblioteca Anatomica ; fasc.9)
3.Humason G.L. Animal Tissue Techniques / G. L. Humason. - San Francisco ; London : W.H. Freeman and Company, 1962. - 569 p.. - (A Series of Books in Biology)
4.Biological Monitoring of Exposure to Chemicals : Metals / ed.: H. Kenneth Dillon, Mat. H. Ho. - [Б. м.] : John Wilej & Sons, 1991. - 280 с.
5.Rubin R.P. Calcium and Cellular Secretion / R. P. Rubin. - New York ; London : Plenum press, 1982. - 276 p.
6.Fourman P. Calcium metabolism and the bone / P. Fourman, P. Royer, M. J. Levell, D. B. Morgan. - [Б. м. : б. и.]
7.Tretjakoff D. Das basophile Gallertgewebe : відб. з Bd.12, Heft 1/2. "Zeitschrift fur mik.-anat. Forschung." / D. Tretjakoff. - Leipzig : Akademische verlagsgesellschaft M.B.H., 1927. - 30-60 s. + 3 Text. + 1 Taf.
8.Tretjakoff D. Das Zytozentrum und der Liparosma- (Golgi- ) Stoff : відб. з Bd.7, Heft 1 "Zeitschrift fur Zellforschung und mikroskopische Anatomie" / D. Tretjakoff. - Berlin : Verlagsbuchhandlung Julius Springer , 1928. - 40 s. + 9 Text.
9.Skramlik E. Die Gewurze in ihrer bedeutung fur unsere ernahrung : фотооттиск / E. Skramlik. - Stuttgart : Hippokrates - Verlag GMBH, 1955. - 12 s.
10.Williams L.K. Environmental health secrets / L. K. Williams, R. L. Langley. - Philadelphia : Hanley & Belfus, Inc., 2001. - 266 с.
11.Virtanen H. Epidemiological and etiological studies on cryptorchidism and hypospadias : turun Yliopiston julkaisuja Annales Universitatis Turkuensis / H. Virtanen. - Turku : Turun Yliopisto, 2006. - 90 p.. - (Sarja-ser. D Osa -Tom. 696 )
12.Patten B.M. Foundations of Embryology / B. M. Patten. - New York ; London ; Toronto : McGraw-Hill Book Company, 1958. - 578 p. + 962 draw
13.Giblett E.R. Genetic markers in humaqn blood / E. R. Giblett. - Oxford ; Edinburgh : Black scientific publications, 1969. - 629 p.
14.Yevtushenko N.Yu. Heavy metal contents in invertebrates of the Danube River : оттиск / N. Yu. Yevtushenko, N. V. Bren, Yu. M. Sytnik. - [S. l. : s. n.], 1990. - 5 p.
15.Literathy P. Heavy Metals and As in the Particulate Matter / Literathy P. ; Hungarian Hational Comittee for the IHP. - Budapest : [s. n.], 1978. - 73 p. + 15 ref.
16. Hormones in Blood. Vol.1. - 1979. - 707 p.
17. Hormones in Blood. Vol.2. - 1979. - 463 p.
18.Young Sh. Kala-azar in Pi-Hsien District, Kiangsu Province, China. II. Findings in Films of Spleen and Liver Puncture Juice and some other Observations in Kala-azar : відб. з №13 section IV, vol.4 (pp.265-272) "The Journal of the Shanghai Science Institute" / Sh. Young ; The Department of Hygiene of the Shanghai Science Institute. - [Б. м. : б. и.], 1939
19.Cranston P.S. Keys to the Adults, male hypopygia, fourth-instar larvae and pupae of the British Mosquitoes (Culicidae) with notes on their ecology and medical importance / P. S. Cranston, C. D. Ramsdale, K. R. Snow, G. B. White. - [Б. м.] : Freshwater Biological Association Scientific Publication №48, 1987. - 152 с.
20.Vogt C. Lehrbuch der praktischen vergleichenden Anatomie : 2 Band / C. Vogt, E. Yung. - Braunschweig : Verlag von F/ Vieweng und Sohn, 1889-1894. - 959 p.
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