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Загальна кількість знайдених документів : 644
Представлено документи з 1 до 20
1.1418 дней войны. Из воспоминаний о Великой Отечественной. - М. : Политиздат, 1990. - 414 с.
2.1939 год. Уроки истории / АН СССР, Ин-т всеобщ. истории. - М. : Мысль, 1990. - 508 с.
3.Anglo Soviet Environmental Protection Agreement. Visit of Russian party to Scottish Development Department, Engineering division, at chesser house on 15 december 1975 : оттиск. - [S. l. : s. n.], 1975. - 3 p. + 3 map
4.Blaxter J.H.S. The Early Life History of Fish : the proceedings of an International Symposium Held at the Dunstaffnage Marine Research Laboratory of the Scottish Marine Biological Association at Oban, Scotland, from May 17-23, 1973 / J. H.S. Blaxter. - Berlin ; Heidelberg ; New York : Springer-Verlag, 1974. - 765 s. + 299 fig.
5.Bodenseefischerei. Geschichte - Biologie und Okologie - Bewirtschaftung. - [S. l.] : Jan Thorbecke Verlag Sigmaringen, 1993. - 172 s.
6.Borscow E.I. Die susswasser-Bacillariaceen (Diatomaceen) des sud-westlichen russlands, insbesondere der gouvernements: Kiew, Cernigow und Poltawa / E. I. Borscow №1. - Kiew : Universitats-Buchdruckerei, 1873. - 129 s. + 2 Taf.
7.Brezonik P.L. Nitrogen sources and cycling in natural waters / P. L. Brezonik. - Washington : [s. n.], 1973. - 168 p.. - (Ecological Research Series)
8.Carlander K.D. Handbook of Freshwater Fishery Biology / K. D. Carlander Vol.1: Life history Data on Freshwater Fishes of the United States and Canada, Exlusive of the Perciformes. - [S. l.] : The Iowa State University press, Ames, Iowa, 1969
9.Fadeeff N. Note sur les Rotiferes de la Russie : extrait "Annales de Zoologie", T.VII, 1924 / N. Fadeeff. - [S. l. : s. n.], 1924. - 17 p.)
10.Goulden G.E. The history of the Cladoceran Fauna of Esthwaite Water (England) and its limnological significance : оттиск / G. E. Goulden. - [S. l. : s. n.], 1964. - 52 p. + 2 plate
11.Neff J.M. Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in the Aquatic Environment. Sources, Fates and Biological Effects / J. M. Neff. - London : Applied Science Publishers LTD, 1979. - 262 p.
12.Norman J.R. A history of Fisches / J. R. Norman. - London : Ernest benn limited, 1963. - 398 p.
13.Norman J.R. A History of Fishes / J. R. Norman. - London : Ernest Benn Limited, 1947. - 463 p. + 9 plat. + 148 text-fig.
14.Norman J.R. Die Fische : eine Naturgeschichte fur Sport-und Berufsfischer, Aquarianer, Biologen and Naturfreunde / J. R. Norman. - Hamburg ; Berlin : Verlag Paul Parey, 1963. - 458 s.
15.North Atlantic Biota and Their History : a Symposium of Iceland, Reykjavik july 1962 under the auspices of the University of Iceland and the Museum of Natural History / ed.: A. Love, D. Love. - Oxford ; London ; New York : Pergamon Press, 1963. - 430 p.
16.Periodicals on Zoology hydrobiology-Fisheries entomology with a large section on general natural history. - [S. l. : s. n.], 1964. - 88 p.
17.Rostand J. Esquisse d'une histoire de la Biologie / J. Rostand. - Gallimard : [s. n.], 1945. - 255 p.
18.Schmid-Arata J.M. The effect of food concentration on the life histories of brachinus plicatilis (O.F.M.) and Encentrum linnhei Scott : оттиск / J. M. Schmid-Arata. - Stuttgart : [s. n.], 1991. - 8 p. + 4 fig. + 4 tabl.
19.The Environment of Russia on the border between the millennia : the popular report on state of the Environment in Russia. - [S. l.] ; Moscow : Refia Nia-Priroda, 2003. - 88 p.
20.Thorup J. Growth and Life-cycle of Invertebrates from Danish Springs : оттиск / J. Thorup. - Den Haag : Uitgeverij Dr. Junk, 1963. - 29 p.
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