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International symposium "Actual problems of zoology and parasitology: achievements and prospects" : dedicated to the 100th anniversary from the birth of academician Alexei Spassky, one of the founders of the Academy of Sciences of Moldova and of the Parasitological school of the Republic of Moldova, 13 October 2017, Chisinau / Academy of Sciences of Moldova ; Institute of Zoology . - Chisinau : [б. и.], 2017. - 473 p. : fig., tab. - ISBN 978-9975-66-590-2 : Б. ц.

Кл.слова: arachnoses -- fipronil -- diflubenzuron -- testing -- treatment -- efficacy -- Spassky -- cyclophyllidea -- hymenolepididoidea -- dilepididoidea -- davenoidea -- cestoda -- polychaeta -- nereidae -- larvae
Анотація: The materials of the International symposium "Actual problems of zoology and parasitology: achievements and prospects" dedicated to the 100th anniversary from the birth of academician Alexei Spassky, organized by the Institute of Zoology of the Academy of Sciences of Moldova in partnership with the Representation of Russian colaboration in the Republic of Moldova - Russian Center of Science and Culture in Chisinau are a generalization of the latest scientific researches in the country and abroad concerning the diversity of aquatic and terrestrial animal communities, fauna, taxonomy and phylogeny of parasites in animal, plants and human, Ecology of parasites and co-evolution in host-parasite system, preventing and combating the parasite zoonozes, invasive species, their ecological and social-economic impact, regularities of formation and functioning of animal populations and communities, status and trends of forest resources evolution in the context of climate change, impact of climatic changes and anthropic modification upon vertebrate and invertebrate animal communities, arthropods - vectors borne pathogens, biological control of pests.

Дод. точки доступу:
Toderas, Ion (doctor habilitatus of biology, professor, academician) (chief redactor.); Ungureanu, Laurentia (doctor habilitatus of biology, professor) (red. board.); Erhan, Dumitru (doctor habilitatus of biology, professor) (red. board.); Derjanschi, Valeriu (doctor habilitatus of biology, professor) (red. board.); Zubcov, Elena (doctor habilitatus of biology, professor) (red. board.); Rusu, Stefan (doctor of biology, associate professor) (red. board.); Calestru, Livia (doctor of biology, associate professor) (red. board.); Baban, Elena (doctor of biology, associate professor) (red. board.); Nistreanu, Victoria (doctor of biology, associate professor) (red. board.); Cozma, Vasile (doctor, professor, academician) (reviewers.); Darabush, Gheorghe (doctor, professor, academician) (reviewers.); Movsesean, Serghei (doctor, professor, academician) (reviewers.); Andriescu, Ionel (doctor, professor) (reviewers.); Miron, Liviu (doctor, professor) (reviewers.)
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