Смокова, Тетяна Миколаївна.
Ризико-орієнтоване управління інтеграцією в проєктах транспортно-логістичної інфраструктури [Текст] : автореферат дис. ... к. т. н. : 05.13.22 / Т. М. Смокова ; керівник Т. А. Ковтун ; Одеський національний морський університет, 2021УДК:

Анотація: Дисертація присвячена розв'язанню актуальної науково-прикладної задачи розробки механізму ризико-орієнтованого управління інтеграцією в проєктах транспортно-логістичної інфраструктури на основі ціннісного підходу. В результатіпроведеного дослідження розроблено класифікацію інтеграції в проєктах транспортно-логістичної інфраструктури; надано визначення інтеграційних ризиків в проєкті; запропоновано модель формування оптимальної множини учасниківпроєкту; розроблено механізм якісного аналізу ризику розриву інтеграційних зв'язків між учасниками проєкту, до складу якого входить метод визначення інтеграційного потенціалу учасників проєкту.. The dissertation is devoted to solving the actual scientific and applied problem of developing a mechanism for risk-oriented integration management in projects of transport and logistics infrastructure based on the value approach. The study aims are to increase the success of the implementation of transport and logistics infrastructure projects through risk-based management of the integration of project participants. The object of the research is the process of managing the integration of participants inprojects of transport and logistics infrastructure. The subject of the research is models and methods of risk-oriented management of the integration of participants in projects of transport and logistics infrastructure. The research hypothesis lies in the feasibility of developing and applying risk-based integration management in transport and logistics infrastructure projects. As a result of the study, the following conclusions were drawn based on the scientific and practical results obtained. Based on the analysis of the evolution of integration processes in the transport and logistics industries, it is proved that the creation of transport and logistics infrastructure facilities, in particular transport and logistics centres, is one of the priority directions for the development of the transport and logistics system, carried out in the direction of increasing the degree of integration between the elements. Improving the efficiency of transport and logistics infrastructure projects can be achieved through the use of approaches of modern management methodologies: project management, risk management, logistics management, stakeholder management, which contributes to the creation of a mechanism for risk-oriented integration management in transport and logistics infrastructure projects. Using a systematic approach, the main characteristics of a transport and logistics centre as a micro-logistics system and an element of a macro logical system are determined, the composition of the participants is identified and a management system for the transport and logistics centre is presented. A classification of integration in transport and logistics infrastructure projects havebeen developed. Depending on the chosen projection (approach), integration can be represented as: system (internal and external), project (processes, project participants), transport and logistics (topological, technical and technological, organizational). A classification of stakeholders in the project is proposed, which takes into account the degree of their influence on the integrity of the project as a system. Project participants are divided into internal project stakeholders (primary and secondary), external project stakeholders (direct and indirect). The processes of integration of the project participants of the transport and logistics infrastructure are highlighted, the characteristics of the processes are given, the motivating factors and performance indicators of various types of integration are determined.A mechanism for risk-oriented management of the integration of participants in transport and logistics infrastructure projects has been developed, within the framework of which: a model for the formation of an optimal set of project participants is proposed, which provides for maximizing the total value of the project from the participation of specificparticipants in it and achieving the necessary individual values of the project participants; the definition of integration risks in projects, which include the risk of breaking integration ties between project participants, is given; a mechanism for analyzing the risk of breaking integration ties between project participants has been developed, which includes: analysis of the integration potential of project participants and analysis of the power of integration ties between them; a method for determining the integration potential of project participants has been developed, which allows building a "matrix of integration potential" and determining the propensity for the risk of breaking the integration ties of project participants. Experimental calculations have been carried out using the proposed mechanism of riskoriented management of the integration of participants in the transport and logistics centre project. The results obtained confirmed the adequacy of the proposed mechanism for analyzing the risk of breaking the integration ties between the project participants, the model for forming the optimal set of project participants and the method for determining the integration potential of the project participants, as well as the possibility of using them in practice to increase the success of transport and logistics infrastructure projects.

Дод. точки доступу:
Ковтун, Тетяна Антонівна (керівник.); Kovtun Tetiana ; Smokova Tetiana ; Одеський національний морський університет