"Dynamical system modelling and stability investigation", international conference (2009 ; Kyiv).
International conference "Dynamical system modelling and stability investigation. Modelling & stability", May 27-29, 2009 [Text] : thesis of conference reports / National committee of Ukraine by theoretical and applied mechanics, Kiev University named after Taras Shevchenko, Space researches institute of NAS and NSA of Ukraine, Institute of mathematics of NAS of Ukraine, Institute of mechanics of NAS of Ukraine ; prep. I. V. Hrytsai ; sci. ed. D. Y. Khusainov. - Kyiv : [б.в.], 2009. - 251 p.: fig. - Альтернативное название : DSMSI-2009 (nazva kor.). - ISBN 966-76-52-00-9

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Khusainov, D. Y. (sci. ed.); Hrytsai, I. V. (prep.); National committee of Ukraine by theoretical and applied mechanics; Kiev University named after Taras ShevchenkoSpace researches institute of NAS and NSA of Ukraine; Institute of mathematics of NAS of Ukraine; Institute of mechanics of NAS of Ukraine

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