"Modern problems of physical chemistry", International conference (4 ; 2009 ; Donetsk).
Modern problems of physical chemistry [Text] : IV International conference. Conference proceedings, 31 August- 3 September 2009 / National Academy of sciences of Ukraine. Ukrainian chemical society, Donetsk scientific centre of NAS of Ukraine [etc.] ; ed.-in-chief O. M. Shendryk. - Donetsk : Weber, 2009. - 249 p.: fig. - Бібліогр.: v kintsi st. - ISBN 978-966-335-296-1
Tekst ros., angl., ukr. m.

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Shendryk, O. M. (ed.-in-chief.); National Academy of sciences of Ukraine. Ukrainian chemical societyDonetsk scientific centre of NAS of Ukraine [etc.

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