
Medium-sized towns of Central-Eastern Europe in the period of economic system transformation and social changes [Text] / Nat. Acad. of public administration at the President of Ukraine, Kharkiv regional inst. of public administration, Assoc. of doctors of sciences on public administrations ; ed. by Anna Runge and Aleksander Kuczabski. - Kharkiv : Publ. house "ADNDU", 2011. - 136 p. : fig., tab. - Бібліогр. в кінці ст. - 500 прим. - ISBN 978-966-2407-22-8

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Дод. точки доступу:
Runge, Anna (ред.); Kuczabski, Aleksander (ред.); National Academy of public administration at the President of Ukraine. Kharkiv regional institute of public administration; Association of doctors of sciences on public administrations

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