Karpachova, Nina Ivanivna.
Speech of the Ukrainian Parliament Commissioner for Human Rights, Nina Karpachova, at the presentation to the Parliament of Ukraine of the special report on "The status of observance of the international standards of human rights and freedoms in Ukraine" December 10, 2008 [Text]. Speech of the Ukrainian Parliament Commissioner for Human Rights, Nina Karpachova, at the presentation to the Parliament of Ukraine of the annual report on "The state of observance and protection of human rights and freedoms in Ukraine" June 24, 2009 / N. I. Karpachova. - Kyiv : [s. n.], 2009. - 60 p. - 1000 прим. - ISBN 966-7855-00-07
Авт. на тит. арк. та обкл. не зазнач.

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