
Climate change 2014. Mitigation of climate change. Summary for policymakers. Technical summary [Text] : part of the working group III contribution to the Fifth assessment rep. of the Intergov. panel on climate change / Intergov. panel on climate change (IPCC) ; ed. by Ottmar Edenhofer [et al.]. - [Geneva] : IPCC, 2015. - XV, 141 p. : tab., fig. - Бібліогр.: с. 140-141. - ISBN 978-92-9169-142-5

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Тематичні рубрики:

Дод. точки доступу:
Edenhofer, Ottmar (ed.); Pichs-Madruga, Ramón (ed.); Sokona, Youba (ed.); Intergovernmental panel on climate change. Working group III

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