
Work program and recomendations for academic aiscipline "Innovations in higher education: actual aspects" [Text] / State higher educational institution "Uzhhorod nat. univ.", Educational a. research inst. of Europ. integration studies ; [developers: I. V. Artjomov, S. V. Piasetska-Ustych, G. U. Fenynets ; transl. by: Miroshnikov D. D.]. - Uzhhorod : [Publ. house UzhNU "Goverla"], 2016. - 72 p. - 300 прим.

Рубрикатор НБУВ:
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Дод. точки доступу:
Artjomov, I. V. (developer.); Piasetska-Ustych, S. V. (developer.); Fenynets, G. U. (developer.); Miroshnikov, D. D. (пер.); "Uzhhorod national university", state higher educational institution (Uzhhorod). Educational and research institute of European integration studies

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