"Advances in quantum systems in chemistry, physics and mathematics", international conference (2017 ; Odessa).
Advances in quantum systems in chemistry, physics and mathematics [Text] : proc. of the intern. conf. : 1-7 Dec. 2017 / Odessa state environmental univ. ; ed.: O. V. Hlushkov, O. Yu. Khetselius, V. V. Buiadzhy. - Kharkiv : FOP Panov A. M., 2017. - 400 p. : fig. - (Progress in applied mathematics and quantum optics). - Бібліогр. в кінці ст. - 100 прим. - ISBN 978-617-7541-44-7

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Дод. точки доступу:
Hlushkov, Oleksandr Vasylovych (ред.); Khatselius, Olha Yuriivna (ред.); Buiadzhi, Vasyl Volodymyrovych (ред.); Odessa state environmental university (Odessa)

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