Martsinyshyn, Yuriy Danylovych.
Scientific theory of Russian cosmism - foundation of applied technologies of express smart remediation (restoration of high-quality nature-aliened fertility) of soil during crop vegetation, hyper-utilization of CO2 (stop global warming, melting ice, increasing sea level and eliminating the greenhouse effect), regeneration fresh water restoring chlorophyll (C4(O2) + 2ē = 2H2 + 2ē = 2H2(O) + H2↑), decrease in entropy and, accordingly, increase in free energy in systems - replication according to LT-technology of Martsinyshyn® [Text] / Martsinyshyn Yuriy Danylovych, Founder and Director Martsinyshyn® Scientific Research Institute of Noospheric Valeology ; Martsinyshyn® Scientific Research Institute of Noospheric Valeology of Public Health and Human Planetary Environmental Safety (Ternopil Region town of Terebovlia). - Ternopil : Palianytsia V. A., 2019. - 39 p. : ill. - Бібліогр.: с. 37-39. - 100 pcs. прим. - ISBN 978-617-7331-89-5

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Перейти: y_martsinyshyn@ukr.net
Дод. точки доступу:
Martsinyshyn® Scientific Research Institute of Noospheric Valeology of Public Health and Human Planetary Environmental Safety (Ternopil Region town of Terebovlia)

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