Center for Economic Studies & Ifo Institute for Economic Research.

CESifo working papers [Text] / Center for Econ. Studies & Ifo Inst. for Econ. Research. - Munich : CESifo. - ISSN 1617-9595.
№ 4895 : The substitution elasticity, factor shares, long-run growth, and the low-frequency panel model / Robert S. Chirinko, Debdulal Mallick. - Munich : CESifo, 2014. - 40 p. : fig., tab. - : Substitution elasticity, factor shares, long-run growth, and the low-frequency panel model. - Бібліогр.: с. 35-40

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Mallick, Debdulal; Center for Economic Studies & Ifo Institute for Economic Research

№ 4895

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Основний фонд