Kondratenko, A.
The quantum tunnel effect from the point of view of quantum mechanics and classical physics [Text] !Otitkn.pft: FILE NOT FOUND! !oizd.pft: FILE NOT FOUND! !ospec.pft: FILE NOT FOUND! !oistaspk_H.pft: FILE NOT FOUND!

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Анотація: Parallel analyses of matter penetrating a barrier are analyzed, one using electrodynamics, the other using quantum mechanics. Mathematical operations are performed to show the identical nature of the phenomena of reflection above the barrier and of penetration of the barrier in quantum mechanics and in classical electrodynamics. It is shown that, in reality, the tunneling effect is not a "purely quantum phenomenon". !oprip481_H.pft: FILE NOT FOUND!

Дод. точки доступу:
Kostenko, V. ; Shkoda, V.

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