Prokhorov, V. G.
Magnetic proximity effect in PrBV0,5DCaBV0,5DMnOVB3D/BV0,7DSrBV0,3DMnOBV3D bilayered films [Text] !Otitkn.pft: FILE NOT FOUND! !oizd.pft: FILE NOT FOUND! !ospec.pft: FILE NOT FOUND! !oistaspk_H.pft: FILE NOT FOUND!

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Анотація: The magnetotransport properties of PrV0,5DCaV0,5DMnOV3D/LaV0,7DSrV0,3DMnOV3D bilayer, and PrV0,5DCaV0,5DMnOV3D and LaV0,7DSrV0,3DMnOV3D films, deposited on LaAlOV3D (001) substrate by pulse laser deposition have been investigated. The x-ray diffraction and high-resolution electron-microscopy analysis reveals that lattice parameters for the constituent sublayers in the bilayer are very close to that for the individual films. It was found that a ferromagnetic transition in the LaV0,7DSrV0,3DMnOV3D sublayer significantly modifies the magnetotransport properties of the PrV0,5DCaV0,5DMnOV3D constituent sublayer, owing to occurrence of a Imagnetic proximity effectD. The main evidences for this effect are an appearance of the exchange bias interaction between the constituent sublayers; a localized-to-itinerant crossover in the system of polarized electrons, which results in formation of the Griffiths-like ferromagnetic state; and an unusual polaron transport of carriers. The experimental results have been analyzed within the framework of modern theoretical approaches. !oprip481_H.pft: FILE NOT FOUND!

Дод. точки доступу:
Kaminsky, G. G.; Flis, V. S.; Kim, J. M.; Eom, T. W.; Park, J. S.; Lee, Y. P.; Svetchnikov, V. L.

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