Кармазина, Т. В.
Энергии активации перемещений молекул воды в присутствии мицеллообразующих поверхностно-активных веществ [] !Otitkn.pft: FILE NOT FOUND! !oizd.pft: FILE NOT FOUND! !ospec.pft: FILE NOT FOUND! !oistaspk_H.pft: FILE NOT FOUND!

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Анотація: On the basis of neutronoscopic experimental data, the activation energies of displacements of water molecules in the presence of nonionic and cation micelle-forming surfactants have been estimated. We have been established that, with increase in the concentration of a nonionic surfactant (triton X-100) even to the critical micelle-forming concentration, a decrease of the activation energy of displacements of water molecules is noticeable, but a decrease of the energy becomes not so significant with a subsequent increase of the concentration. With increase of the concentration of cation surfactant (do- and hexadecylpyridinium bromides) within the investigated concentrations, the activation energy of water molecules' displacements increases. A procedure of the estimation of the activation energy in the presence of the homologous series of nonionic (oxyethylated alkylphenols) and cation (alkylpyridinium bromides) micelle-forming surfactants is proposed. !oprip481_H.pft: FILE NOT FOUND!

Дод. точки доступу:
Петрачков, А. А.