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Mozilla Firefox Для швидкої роботи та реалізації всіх функціональних можливостей пошукової системи використовуйте браузер
"Mozilla Firefox"

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Пошуковий запит: (<.>U=В65 д(0) Bauer, Siegfried<.>)
Загальна кількість знайдених документів : 1
Bauer, Siegfried J..
Solar system: planets, atmospheres and life [Text] / S. J. Bauer ; ed. S. S. Moskaliuk ; Bogolyubov institute for theoretical physics of National academy of sciences of Ukraine, Austro-Ukrainian institute for science and technology (Austria), Czech research centre (Czech Republic), Bratislava innovation centre of technology, reengineering and business (Slovakia), The Walter Thirring international institute for mathematical physics, astrophysics and nuclear investigations (Ukraine). - Kiev : TIMPANI, 2003. - 295 p.: fig., tab. - (Series "Classics of World Science" ; vol. 7). - Бібліогр.: P. 183-206. - ISBN 966-7649-00-8 ("Classics of World Science"). - ISBN 966-7649-23-7 (Siegfried J. Bauer)

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Дод. точки доступу:
Moskaliuk, Stepan S. (ed.); Bogolyubov institute for theoretical physics of National academy of sciences of UkraineAustro-Ukrainian institute for science and technology (Austria); Czech research centre (Czech Republic); Bratislava innovation centre of technology, reengineering and business (Slovakia); The Walter Thirring international institute for mathematical physics, astrophysics and nuclear investigations (Ukraine)

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Walter Thirring international institute for mathematical physics, astrophysics and nuclear investigations (Ukraine) ">

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