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Шлепаков А.М./№268

Profiles and motives of potential migrants [Text] : An IOM study undertaken in four countries: Albania, Bulgaria, Russia and Ukraine. - [s. l.] : IOM International organization for migration, 1993. - 202 p.

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Шлепаков А.М./№269
Hiemenz, U..
Trade in place of migration [Text] : An employment-oriented study with special reference to the Federal Republic of Germany, Spain and Turkey / U. Hiemenz, K. Schatz. - Geneva : International labour office, 1979. - X, 118 p. - ISBN 92-2-101865-2

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Schatz, K.W.

Видання зберігається у :

Sowell, Thomas.
Migrations and cultures: a world view [Text] / T. Sowell. - New York : Basic Books, A Division of H. Collins, 1996. - 516 p. - ISBN 0-465-04588-X

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Шлепаков А.М./№199 (in)
Standing, Guy.
Income transfers and remittances: a module for migration surveys [Text] : this publication was prepared with the financial support of the Unites Nations fund population activities (project No. GLO/75/PO2) / G. Standing. - Geneva : International labour office, 1981. - III, 84 p. - ISBN 92-2-102755-4

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Шлепаков А.М./№261
Oberai, A.S..
Migration, production and technological change: analytical issues and guidelines for data collection and analysis [Text] : this study was carried out with the financial support of the United Nations Fund for population activities (Project No. GLO/75/P02) / A. Oberai. - Geneva : International labour office, 1981. - V, 82 p. - ISBN 92-2-102830-5

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Migration und Menschenwürde [Text] : Fakten, Analysen und ethische Kriterien / hrsg. K. Barwig, D. Mieth. - Mainz : Matthias-Grünewald, 1987. - 211 S.: Abb. - ISBN 3-7867-1302-2

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Дод. точки доступу:
Barwig, Klaus (hrsg.); Mieth, Dietmar (hrsg.)

Видання зберігається у :

Castles, Stephen.
The age of migration [Text] : international population movements in the modern world / S. Castles, M. J. Miller. - 2. ed. - New York ; London : The Guilford press, 1998. - 336 p. - Бібліогр.: P.307-325. - ISBN 1-57230-381-6. - ISBN 1-57230-382-4

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Miller, Mark J.

Видання зберігається у :

Шлепаков А.М./№264

International migration policies and programmes: a world survey [Text] / Department of International economic and social affairs. - New York : United Nations, 1982. - V, 111 p. - (Population studies / Department of International economic and social affairs ; no.80)

Рубрикатор НБУВ:
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Дод. точки доступу:
Department of International economic and social affairs

Видання зберігається у :

Шлепаков А.М./№262/4B

Etude d'ensemble des rapports concernant les conventions nos 97 et 143 et les recommandations nos 86 et 151 sur les travailleurs migrants [Text] : rapport de la Commission d'experts pour l'application des conventions et recommandations (art. 19, 22 et 35 de la Constitution)- volume B. - Genève : Bureau international du Travail, 1980. - VII, 190 p. - (Conférence internationale du Travail, 66e session 1980 ; rapport 3, P.4B). - ISBN 92-2-202093-6

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Шлепаков А.М./№189 (in)
Standing, Guy.
Analysing inter- relationships between migration and employment [Text] : this study was carried out with the financial support of the United Nations Fund for population activities (project GLO/79/P83) / G. Standing. - Geneva : International labour office, 1982. - 51 p. - ISBN 92-2-103309-0

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Видання зберігається у :

ILO. International Labour Conference. Session (87 ; 1999 ; Geneva).

[Reports] [Text] / ILO. International Labour Conference. Session (87 ; 1999 ; Geneva). - Geneva : ILO, 1999 . - ISSN 0074-6681.
Rep. 3 (1B) : Migrant Workers : general Survey on the reports on the Migration for Employment Convention (Rev.)(No.97), and Recommendation (Rev.)(No.86), 1949, and the Migrant Workers (Supplementary Provisions) Convention (No.143), and Recommendation (No.151), 1975 / Committee of Experts on the Application of Conventions and Recommendations. - Geneva : ILO, 1999. - xiv, 323 p. - ISBN 92-2-110808-2

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Дод. точки доступу:
Committee of Experts on the Application of Conventions and Recommendations; ILO. International Labour Conference. Session(87 ; 1999 ; Geneva)

Видання зберігається у :
Зал публікацій ООН


Рекомендации по статистике международной миграции [Текст] / Департамент по экономическим и социальным вопросам, Стат. отдел. - 1-ое изд., пересмотр. - Нью-Йорк : ООН, 1998. - vi, 122 с. - (Экономические и социальные вопросы)

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Дод. точки доступу:
Департамент по экономическим и социальным вопросам; Стат. отдел

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Зал публікацій ООН


Сборник международных правовых документов, регулирующих вопросы миграции [Текст] / Международная организация по миграции. - М. : МОМ, 1994. - 368 с.

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Дод. точки доступу:
Международная организация по миграции

Видання зберігається у :
Зал публікацій ООН

UN. Economic and Social Council.
Report of the Sub-Commission on Prevention of Discrimination and Protection of Minorities on its fiftieth session [Text] : 3-28 August 1998, Geneva / rapporteur I. Maxim ; Commission on Human Rights. - Geneva : UN, 1998. - 165 p.

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Maxim, Ioan (rapporteur.); Commission on Human Rights

Видання зберігається у :
Зал публікацій ООН


Population Distribution and Migration [Text] : proceedings of the United Nations Expert Group Meeting on Population Distribution and Migration, Santa Cruz, Bolivia, 18-22 Jan. 1993: Convened in preparation for the International Conference on Population and Development, Cairo, 5-13 Sept. 1994 / Department of Economic and Social Affairs, Population Division. - New York : UN, 1998. - xii, 400 p. - (Economic and Social Affairs). - ISBN 92-1-151324-3

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Department of Economic and Social Affairs; Population Division

Видання зберігається у :


Humanitarian Action in the 21st Century [Text] / Inter-Agency Standing Committee. - New York : IASC, 2000. - 79 p.: ill. - ISBN 0-9701247-4-0

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Inter-Agency Standing Committee

Видання зберігається у :
Зал публікацій ООН


International Migration and Development [Text] : The Concise Report / UN, Secretariat, Population Division. - New York : UN, 1997. - 63 p. - ISBN 92-1-151311-1

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Дод. точки доступу:
UN; Secretariat; Population Division

Видання зберігається у :
Зал публікацій ООН


Refugees and others of concern to UNHCR [Text] : 1997 statistical overview / UNHCR. - Geneva : UNHCR, 1998. - 104 p.

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Видання зберігається у :
Зал публікацій ООН


Recommendations Statistics of International Migration [Text] / Department of Economic and Social Affairs. Statistical Division. - 1 rev. - New York : UN, 1998. - VII,95 p. - (Statistical Papers, Ser. M ; 58, Rev.1). - ISBN 92-1-161408-2

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Дод. точки доступу:
Department of Economic and Social Affairs. Statistical Division.

Видання зберігається у :
Зал публікацій ООН


International Migration Policies [Text] / Department of Economic and Social Affairs, Population Division. - New York : UN, 1998.. - x, 235 p.. - ISBN 92-1-151320-0

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Department of Economic and Social Affairs; Population Division
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