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Пошуковий запит: (<.>M=Problems of theoretical and mathematical physics, Bogolyubov Kyiv conference (Kyiv)<.>)
Загальна кількість знайдених документів : 1
"Problems of theoretical and mathematical physics", Bogolyubov Kyiv conference (Kyiv).
Bogolyubov Kyiv conference "Prolems of theoretical and mathematical physics". The conference is dedicated to the 110th anniversary of the outstanding theoretician in the physical sciences and mathematician M. M. Bogolyubov (1909-1992), September 24-26, 2019, Kyiv, Ukraine [Text] : program a. abstracts / [ed. group: Brizhik L. S. et al.] ; Nat. acad. of sciences of Ukraine, Bogolyubov inst. for theoretical physics, Inst. of mathematics. - Kyiv : Bogolyubov. inst. for theoretical physics, 2019. - 123, [1] p. - 140 пр. прим.

Рубрикатор НБУВ:
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Дод. точки доступу:
Brizhik, L. S. (ред.); Perepelytsya, S. M. (ред.); Rebesh, A. P. (ред.); Bogolyubov, M. M. (1909–1992) (про нього); Naional academy of sciences of Ukraine (Kyiv); Bogolyubov institute for theoretical physics (Kyiv); Institute of mathematics (Kyiv)

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