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Archer, David B..
Shutdown: the impact of plant shutdown, extensive employment terminations and layoffs on the workers and the community [Text] / D. B. Archer, T. Meagher ; prep. J. W. Eleen, A. G. Bernardine. - Toronto : [б.в.], 1971. - V, 135 p.

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Meagher, Terry; Eleen, John W. (prep.); Bernardine, Ashley G. (prep.)

Видання зберігається у :


Basic skills for the workplace [Text] / ed. M. Taylor [a.o.]. - Toronto, Ontario : Culture Concepts inc. "Books for learning", 1991. - 514 p. - Бібліогр.: v kinci st. - ISBN 0-921472-06-4

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Taylor, Maurice (ed.)

Видання зберігається у :

D'Epinay, Rafael Lalive.
The duration of unemploymant: institutions, labor market programs, and social interactions [Text] : diss. / R. L. D'Epinay ; Universität Zürich. Wirtschaftswissenschaftlichen Fak. - Zürich : [б.в.], 2001. - 154 p.: fig. - Бібліогр.: P.141-150

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Universität Zürich. Wirtschaftswissenschaftlichen Fak.

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Employment stability in an age of flexibility: Evidence from industrialized countries [Text] / gen. ed. P. Auer, S. Cazes. - Geneva : International Labour Office, 2003. - xv, 272 p. - ISBN 92-2-112716-8

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Auer, Peter (gen. ed.); Cazes, Sandrine (gen. ed.)

Видання зберігається у :
Зал публікацій ООН


Employment [Text] / UNCTAD. - New York ; Geneva : UN, 2000. - viii, 61 p. - (UNCTAD Series on issues in international investment agreements) (IIA issues paper series). - ISBN 92-1-112485-9

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Зал публікацій ООН


Enhancing Women's Participation in Economic Development [Text]. - Washington, D.C. : World Bank, 1994. - 76 p. - (World Bank Policy Paper, ISSN 1014-8124). - ISBN 0-8213-2963-4

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Зал публікацій ООН


Full and productive employment and decent work: Dialogues at the Economic and Social Council [Text] / Department of Economic and Social Afairs, Office for ECOSOC Support and Coordination. - New York : UN, 2006. - xiii, 289 p. - (Economic & social affairs). - ISBN 978-92-1-104563-5

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Department of Economic and Social Afairs; Office for ECOSOC Support and Coordination

Видання зберігається у :
Зал публікацій ООН


Gender, poverty and employment: turning capabilities into entitlements [Text]. - Geneva : ILO, 1995. - i, 70 p.: ill. - ISBN 92-2-109963-6

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Зал публікацій ООН


Global employment trends [Text]. - Geneva : International Labour Office, 2003. - 120 p.: ill. - ISBN 92-2-113360-5

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Зал публікацій ООН

ILO. International Labour Conference. Session (92 ; 2004 ; Geneva).

[Reports] [Text] / ILO. International Labour Conference. Session (92 ; 2004 ; Geneva). - Geneva : ILO, 2004 . - ISSN 0074-6681.
Rep. 3 (P. 1B) : Promoting employment: Policies, skills, enterprises. - 2004. - ix, 166 p.:tables. - ISBN 92-2-113034-7

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ILO. International Labour Conference. Session(92 ; 2004 ; Geneva)

Видання зберігається у :
Зал публікацій ООН

ILO. International Labour Conference. Session (99 ; 2010 ; Geneva).

[Reports] [Text] / ILO. International Labour Conference. Session (99 ; 2010 ; Geneva). - Geneva : ILO, 2010 , ISSN 0074-6681.
Report 3(1B) : General Survey concerning employment instruments. - Geneva : ILO, 2010. - xiv, 209 p. - ISBN 978-92-2-121881-4

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ILO. International Labour Conference. Session(99 ; 2010 ; Geneva)

Видання зберігається у :
Зал публікацій ООН

Lafontaine, Oskar.
Keine Angst vor der Globalisierung [Text] : Wohlstand und Arbeit für alle / O. Lafontaine, C. Müller. - Bonn : Dietz, 1998. - 352 S.: Abb. - ISBN 3-8012-0265-8

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Müller, Christa

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Martins, Herbert E..
Die gefährliche Kraft: Arbeitslosigkeit, Inflation und soziale Gerechtigkeit [Text] / H. E. Martins. - Wien : Molden, 2001. - 184 S. - Бібліогр.: S. 175-177. - ISBN 3-85485-063-8

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OECD employment outlook 2009 [Text] : tackling the jobs crisis / Organisation for economic co-operation and development. - Paris : OECD publishing, 2009. - 282 p.: tab., fig. - ISBN 978-92-64-06791-2
Bibliohr. v kintsi st.

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Organisation for economic co-operation and development

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Overcoming economic vulnerability and creating employment [Text] : report of the Committee for Development Policy on the eight session (20-14 March 2006) / Department of Economic and Social Affairs. - New York : UN, 2006. - xvi, 63 p. : tables. - Библиогр.: с. 60-63. - ISBN 92-1-104562-2

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Department of Economic and Social Affairs

Видання зберігається у :
Зал публікацій ООН


Responding to Globalization: Skill Formation and Unemployment Reduction Policies [Text] / Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia. - New York : UN, 2003. - v, 57 p.

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Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia

Видання зберігається у :
Зал публікацій ООН


Review of National Action Plans on Youth Employment: Putting Commitment into Action [Text] / Department of Economic and Social affairs. - New York : UN, 2007. - iii, 58 p. - (Economic and social affairs). - ISBN 978-92-1-130260-8

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Department of Economic and Social affairs

Видання зберігається у :
Зал публікацій ООН

Richards, Peter.
Towards the goal of full employment [Text] : trends, obstacles and policies / P. Richards. - Geneva : ILO, 2001. - xiii, 143 p. - ISBN 92-2-111389-2

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Зал публікацій ООН


Social security: A new consensus [Text]. - Geneva : International Labour Office, 2001. - vi, 114 p. - ISBN 92-2-112624-2

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Зал публікацій ООН

Thuy, Phan.
The public employment service in a changing labour market [Text] / P. Thuy [etc]. - Geneva : ILO, 2001. - xxi, 258 p. - ISBN 92-2-111388-4

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Hansen, Ellen; Price, David

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Зал публікацій ООН

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