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Загальна кількість знайдених документів : 43
Представлено документи з 1 до 20

Stasyuk I. V. Influence of shear stress sigma6 on the phase transition and physical properties of KD2PO4 type ferroelectrics. — Л., 1999. — 39 с. - (Препр. / НАН України. Ін-т фізики конденс. систем; ICMP-99-25E).

Lisnii B. M. Theory of physical properties of ferro- and antiferroelectrics of the KH2PO4 family related to strains u4 and u5. — 2004 // Укр. фіз. журн.

Levitskii R. R. Reference approach in theory of pseudospin systems // Condensed Matter Physics. - 2000. - 3, № 3.

Levitskii R. R. Relaxation dynamics of disordered ising-like models // Condensed Matter Physics. - 1999. - 2, № 3.

Stasyuk I. V. Influence of sigma1 - sigma2 stress on phase transition and physical properties of KD2PO4-type ferroelectrics // Condensed Matter Physics. - 2001. - 4, № 3.

Shchur Ya. I. Lattice dynamics of a monoclinic CsH2PO4 crystal // Condensed Matter Physics. - 1999. - 2, № 1.

Stasyuk I. V. Pressure effect upon the dielectric response of KDP family krystals // Condensed Matter Physics. - 1999. - 2, № 4.

Levitskii R. R. Thermodynamics and dielectric properties of KH2PO4, RbH2PO4, KH2AsO4, RbH2AsO4 ferroelectrics // Condensed Matter Physics. - 2001. - 4, № 3.

Levitskii R. R. To the theory of relaxation phenomena in quasi-one-dimensional ferroelectrics with hydrogen bonds. Nonequilibrium statistical operator approach // Condensed Matter Physics. - 1998. - 1, № 4.

Levitskii R. R. Transition temperature in KDP type crystals under external pressures. Role of H-bond geometry // Condensed Matter Physics. - 1999. - 2, № 3.

Levitskii R. R. Isotopic effects in partially deuterated piezoelectric crystals of Rochelle salt // Condensed Matter Physics. - 2004. - 7, № 1.

Levitskii R. R. Longitudinal dielectric relaxation in KD2PO4 under hydrostatic pressure // Condensed Matter Physics. - 2002. - 5, № 3.

Levitskii R. R. Role of piezoelectricity in dielectric response of Rochelle salt type crystals // Condensed Matter Physics. - 2003. - 6, № 2.

Levitskii R. R. Thermodynamic and dielectric properties of the NH4H2PO4 type antiferroelectrics // Condensed Matter Physics. - 2002. - 5, № 3.

Slivka A. G. The effect of external factors on dielectric permittivity of Rochelle salt: humidity, annealing, stresses, electric field // Condensed Matter Physics. - 2005. - 8, № 3.

Sorokov S. I. Spin-glass model with essential short-range competing interactions // Condensed Matter Physics. - 2005. - 8, № 3.

Levitskii R. R. Monoclinic elastic and piezoelectric properties of Rochelle salt. Description within the modified Mitsui model // Condensed Matter Physics. - 2005. - 8, № 4.

Levitskii R. R. Theoretical investigations of thermodynamic properties of partially deuterated <$E bold {{roman K(H} sub 1-x {roman D} sub x ) sub 2 roman PO sub 4}> ferroelectrics // Condensed Matter Physics. - 2007. - 10, № 2.

Levitskii R. R. Longitudinal relaxation of mechanically free KH2PO4 type crystals. Piezoelectric resonance and sound attenuation // Condensed Matter Physics. - 2008. - 11, № 3.

Levitskii R. R. Longitudinal relaxation of ND4D2PO4 type antiferroelectrics. Piezoelectric resonance and sound attenuation // Condensed Matter Physics. - 2009. - 12, № 2.
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