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Andrushchak A. S. The crossflow piezo-electrooptic effect in crystals. Example of lithium tantalate // Condensed Matter Physics. - 2000. - 3, № 4.

Vlokh I. Comparison of the blood component optical transmitting spectrums of white rats with and without ethanol intoxication // Архів психіатрії. - 2004. - 10, № 1.

Vlokh R. About the Possibility of Linearization of Quadratic Cotton-Mouton Birefringence Change due to kH-Effect. Про можливості лінеаризації квадратичної магнітооптичної Котон-Мотонівської зміни двозаломлення за рахунок kH-ефекту // Ukr. J. Phys. Optics. - 2004. - 5, № 1.

Martynyuk-Lototska I. Acoustooptic Diffraction and Light Absorption in <$Eroman bold {Cs sub 2 BX sub 4 }> (B = Hg, Cd; X = Br, Cl) Crystals=Акустооптична дифракція та поглинання світла у кристалах <$Eroman bold {Cs sub 2 BX sub 4 }> (B = Hg, Cd; X = Br, Cl). // Ukr. J. Phys. Optics. - 2004. - 5, № 3.

Martynyuk-Lototska I. Acoustooptic Diffraction in Borate Crystals // Ukr. J. Phys. Optics. - 2004. - 5, № 4.

Martynyuk-Lototska I. Acoustooptic Interaction in Barium Beta-Borate Crystals // Ukr. J. Phys. Optics. - 2004. - 5, № 2.

Krupych O. Anisotropy of Laser-Induced Bulk Damage of Single Crystals // Ukr. J. Phys. Optics. - 2005. - 6, № 2.

Vlokh R. Appearance of Optical Vortex at Conical Refraction. Examples of <$Eroman bold {NaNO sub 2 }> and <$Eroman bold {YFeO sub 3 }> Crystals // Ukr. J. Phys. Optics. - 2003. - 4, № 2.

Vlokh R. Change of Optical Properties of Space under Gravitation Field // Ukr. J. Phys. Optics. - 2004. - 5, № 1.

Vlokh R. Combined Piezoelectrooptic Effect in Rochelle Salt at the Phase Transition // Ukr. J. Phys. Optics. - 2004. - 5, № 2.

Kushnir O. Crystal Optical Properties of Inhomogeneous Plates and the Problems of Polarization Tomography of Photoelastic Materials // Ukr. J. Phys. Optics. - 2005. - 6, № 3.

Krupych O. Determination of 2D Stress Distribution in Semiconductor Glass <$Eroman bold {As sub 2 Se sub 3 }> with Infrared Imaging Polarimeter // Ukr. J. Phys. Optics. - 2003. - 4, № 4.

Dudok T. Dispersion of Refractive Indices in <$Eroman bold {Cs sub 2 CdBr sub 4 }> and <$Eroman bold {Cs sub 2 HgBr sub 4 }> Crystals // Ukr. J. Phys. Optics. - 2005. - 6, № 1.

Vlokh R. Electronic Bands Behaviour at Sinusoidal Potential Presence of Incommensurate Crystals // Ukr. J. Phys. Optics. - 2004. - 5, № 2.

Mys O. Electrooptic Effect in Non-Centrosymmetric <$Eroman bold {CsLiB sub 6 O sub 10 }> Borate Crystals // Ukr. J. Phys. Optics. - 2004. - 5, № 1.

Vlokh R. Estimation of the Birefringence Change in Crystals Induced by Gravitation Field // Ukr. J. Phys. Optics. - 2005. - 6, № 4.

Teslyuk I. M. Growth of Lysozyme Crystals in Flat Cells Between Specially Treated Substrates // Ukr. J. Phys. Optics. - 2005. - 6, № 3.

Vlokh R. Indicative Surfaces for Crystal Optical Effects // Ukr. J. Phys. Optics. - 2005. - 6, № 4.

Mys O. Interchangeability of Combined Piezoelectrooptic Effect in <$Eroman bold {LiTaO sub 3 }> and <$Eroman bold {LiNbO sub 3 }> Crystals // Ukr. J. Phys. Optics. - 2005. - 6, № 3.

Vlokh R. Light Absorption Under the Action of Gravitation Field // Ukr. J. Phys. Optics. - 2005. - 6, № 1.
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