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Warsza Z. L. 
Evaluation and numerical presentation of the results of multivariate measurements – selected problems [Електронний ресурс] / Z. L. Warsza, V. V. Ezhela // Системи обробки інформації. - 2011. - Вип. 6. - С. 20-25. - Режим доступу: http://nbuv.gov.ua/UJRN/soi_2011_6_7
A brief review of some problems arising in the correct numerical expression and evaluation of results of indirect multi-parameter measurements is given. There is included a theoretical basis for determining the estimates of values, uncertainties and correlation coefficients of the indirectly obtained multi-measurand, which are processed from data of the simultaneously measured set of variables. The algebra of random vectors is used. A numerical example illustrates the linear transformation of two variables and the types of improperly evaluated results і that may occur with over-rounding. There are given thresholds of the safe uniform rounding of mean vector and its scatter ellipsoid. There is proposed an upgrading of the GUM Example H.2 and of the uncertainty equation for nonlinear functions. It is also evidenced that correlation matrix of 2010 data of fundamental physical constants recommended by CODATA has non-negligible negative eigenvalues. In the end of this work it is argued for the urgent needs of standardization of e-publication of the experimental data in two parts: e-printed traditional narrative part, and an attached computer readable file with all numerical input data and results, to allow "fast" numerical peer review of the proposed publication reporting new measurement results. This work is a result of an inter-disciplinary cooperation of a metrologist and a nuclear physicist.
Попередній перегляд:   Завантажити - 855.505 Kb    Зміст випуску    Реферативна БД     Цитування

Belousov V. I. 
Necessity and feasibility of inter-universitiesknowledge generation base for research and education in general and fundamental physics [Електронний ресурс] / V. I. Belousov, I. I. Degtyarev, V. V. Ezhela, O. V. Zenin, Yu. V. Kiyanov, V. N. Larin, K. S. Lugovsky, S. B. Lugovsky, F. F. Tikhonin, N. P. Tkachenko // Системи обробки інформації. - 2009. - Вип. 5. - С. 116-119. - Режим доступу: http://nbuv.gov.ua/UJRN/soi_2009_5_34
The necessity and feasibility to create an Inter-Universities Knowledge Generation Base (KGB) in the field of the fundamental physics phenomenology on the cooperative basement of existing open access information resources of scientific and industrial data centers is argued. It is deemed that such KGB, being used in the education and research at physics universities, will be helpful to make (step by step) the new measured "discovery data" to be "the discovery data of metrology quality". From the other side this will be helpful for Metrology to assimilate and standardize timely the new measuring methods and new data structures (emerging in Science) for possible applications in science, e-publishing, and industry.
Попередній перегляд:   Завантажити - 296.888 Kb    Зміст випуску    Реферативна БД     Цитування
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