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Biliaiev M. М. 
Determination of areas of atmospheric air pollution by sulfur oxide emissions from mining and metallurgical and energy generating enterprises [Електронний ресурс] / M. М. Biliaiev, T. I. Rusakova, V. Ye. Kolesnik, А. V. Pavlichenko // Науковий вісник Національного гірничого університету. - 2017. - № 3. - С. 100-106. - Режим доступу: http://nbuv.gov.ua/UJRN/Nvngu_2017_3_18
Purpose. Development of methods and software for determining levels and zones of atmospheric air pollution by emissions from mining and power generating companies that contain significant volumes of sulfur oxides. Methodology. The forecast of the level of atmospheric air pollution by sulfur-containing emissions from mining and power generating companies is based on a mathematical model for calculating the concentration of sulfur dioxide, which takes into account the processes of its oxidation, as well as the formation and evaporation of sulfuric acid in the atmosphere. The numerical method is based on the joint solution of the equations of convective-diffusion transport of pollutants that come directly from enterprises or are formed additionally due to chemical reactions in the atmosphere. The technique is implemented using implicit difference schemes. Findings. The developed methodology and software allow predicting the levels of atmospheric air pollution by large industrial enterprises taking into account chemical transformations of sulfur oxides in the environment. A number of numerical experiments have been carried out to estimate the levels and zones of atmospheric air pollution in the city of Dnipro with sulfur dioxide near industrial enterprises, taking into account various meteorological conditions. Originality. The regularities of atmospheric air pollution by sulfur-containing emissions from industrial enterprises are established on the basis of a joint solution of transport process equations as for impurities coming from sources of pollution and transformation as a result of chemical reactions in the atmosphere. Practical value. The developed forecast method and software allow determining the concentration of pollutants in the atmosphere and assessing the level of environmental hazard of large industrial enterprises. The obtained patterns of dispersion of sulfur oxides make it possible to predict pollution levels of environmental objects on the territory of industrial cities and to introduce air protection measures in a timely manner.
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