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Chukurna O. 
Formation of methodical foundations for assessing the innovative development potential of an industrial enterprise [Електронний ресурс] / O. Chukurna, L. Niekrasova, N. Dobrianska, Ya. Izmaylov, I. Shkrabak, K. Ingram // Науковий вісник Національного гірничого університету. - 2020. - № 4. - С. 146-151. - Режим доступу: http://nbuv.gov.ua/UJRN/Nvngu_2020_4_23
Purpose. Formation of methodological foundations for assessing the innovative development potential of an industrial enterprise. The rationale for the use of a comprehensive system of indicators that will allow conducting assessment of the ability of its innovative development, identifying the risks and threats that affect the innovative activity of the enterprise. Definition of an approach to assessing not only quantitative indicators, but also qualitative ones regarding the innovative development potential of an industrial enterprise. Methodology. In the research process, the following general scientific and applied research methods were used: analysis and synthesis, deduction and induction were used to determine factors of influence on the internal and external environment of an industrial enterprise; systematization and generalization for calculating the generalizing indicator; expert assessments - when determining factors of influence on the internal and external environment of an industrial enterprise; multidimensional scaling - when calculating a complex indicator of the potential for innovative development of an industrial enterprise. Findings. The methodological foundations for assessing the potential for innovative development of an industrial enterprise have been formed using an integrated approach to assessing its innovative development, which, unlike existing approaches, including assessing the financial condition of an enterprise and evaluating the internal and external factors of innovative activity of a business entity, makes it possible to substantiate a strategy for innovative development of an industrial enterprise. It is proposed to evaluate the innovative potential of enterprises on the basis of two groups of indicators: quantitative and qualitative characteristics of the assessment of the external and internal environment. The first group of indicators for assessing the external environment is represented by the following factors: market parameters, socio-economic trends in the external environment, competition within the industry, the influence of buyers and suppliers. The second group of indicators for assessing the internal environment is represented by the following factors: technical, technological, material, innovative, financial, personnel, information, marketing and organizational. It is proposed to use the multidimensional scaling method to determine a comprehensive indicator for assessing the innovative potential of an industrial enterprise. Such an approach to assessing allows developing a scientifically based basis for constructing an effective innovation strategy and a strategic management system for innovative activities of an enterprise. Originality. A comprehensive methodological approach to assessing the innovative development potential of an industrial enterprise has been substantiated, which, unlike existing approaches, includes assessing the financial condition of an enterprise and evaluating the internal and external factors of innovative activity of a business entity, which makes it possible to substantiate the innovative development strategy of an industrial enterprise using multidimensional scaling. Practical value. The methodological basis for assessing the innovative development potential of an industrial enterprise and the research results can be used for further scientific developments in this direction, as well as in the practical activities of industrial enterprises to assess their innovative potential and formulation of development strategies. The methodological approach to assessing the innovative development potential of an industrial enterprise is based on an integrated approach to assessing quantitative and qualitative indicators.
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