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Kolesnik V. Ye. 
Determination of dynamic parameters of dust emission from a coal mine fang [Електронний ресурс] / V. Ye. Kolesnik, А. V. Pavlichenko, Yu. V. Buchavy // Науковий вісник Національного гірничого університету. - 2016. - № 2. - С. 81–87. - Режим доступу: http://nbuv.gov.ua/UJRN/Nvngu_2016_2_15
Purpose. To prepare the method of dynamic parameters prediction for dust emission from a coal mine fang. Methodology. The methodology is based on the stochastic nature of mine capacity. That is why we suggested determining the dynamic parameters for dust emission from coal mine fang according to the random process of mine capacity in a one-month period. The common solutions of mathematic the problem of the overshoot of the random process above a set level were applied. Findings. It was stated that the volumes of dust emission from a fang are proportional to one-hour capacity of skip hoisting. The probabilistic assessment of capacity dynamics and dust emission was carried out; it can be applied for the prediction of ecological danger level of dust emission from a coal mine fang. As a result of integration of problem of the overshoot of the random process above a set level, the following average values were determined: the time of the definite level exceeding in a definite period; number of cases of the definite level overriding; the duration of the process overriding the normalized level. The probabilistic assessment of dust emission dynamics from coal mine fang enables confidence increase for the prediction of pollution level of atmospheric air and its danger rate compared with the existing assessment of annual average emission volumes. Originality. The methodology of dynamic parameters assessment for solid particles (dust) emission from coal mine fang was prepared as based on the data of mine capacity changes in one-month period. Practical value. The obtained regularities of dust emission formation of coal mine allow the prediction of the level of environmental objects pollution in the adjacent territories and to take timely measures for protection of the environment.
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