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Журнал математичної фізики, аналізу, геометрії
: щокв. наук. журн..- Харків

  1. Титул.
  2. Зміст.
  3. In commemoration of Mikhail Iosifovich Kadets. - C. 3-6.
  4. Cascales B., Kadets V., Rodríguez J. Radon-Nikodým Theorems for Multimeasures in Non-Separable Spaces. - C. 7-24.
  5. Oikhberg T., Ostrovskii M. I. Dependence of Kolmogorov Widths on the Ambient Space. - C. 25-50.
  6. König H., Milman V. A Note on Operator Equations Describing the Integral. - C. 51-58.
  7. Plichko A. Rate of Decay of the Bernstein Numbers. - C. 59-72.
  8. Heinrich S. Complexity of Initial Value Problems in Banach Spaces. - C. 73-101.
  9. Krasikova I. V., Popov M. M. An Application of Kadets-Pełczyński Sets to Narrow Operators. - C. 102-107.
  10. Fonf V. P., Pallarés A. J., Troyanski S. Isomorphically Polyhedral Banach Spaces. - C. 108-113.
Т. 9
Вип. 1

Журнал математичної фізики, аналізу, геометрії
: щокв. наук. журн..- Харків

  1. Титул.
  2. Зміст.
  3. Aminov Yu. A., Nasiedkina Ia. Conditions on a Surface F2 Ì En to lie in E4. - C. 127-149.
  4. Egwe M. E., Bassey U. N. On Isomorphism Between Certain Group Algebras on the Heisenberg Group. - C. 150-164.
  5. del Rio R., Kudryavtsev M., Silva L. O. Inverse Problems for Jacobi Operators II: Mass Perturbations of Semi-Infinite Mass-Spring Systems. - C. 165-190.
  6. Fastovska T. B. On the Long-Time Behavior of the Thermoelastic Plates with Second Sound. - C. 191-206.
  7. Mirzoev S. S., Aliev A. R., Rustamova L. A. On the Boundary Value Problem with the Operator in Boundary Conditions for the Operator-Differential Equation of Second Order with Discontinuous Coeficients. - C. 207-226.
  8. Shugailo O. O. Affine Submanifolds of Rank Two. - C. 227-238.
  9. Tashpulatov S. M. Spectrum of Two-Magnon non-Heisenberg Ferromagnetic Model of Arbitrary Spin with Impurity. - C. 239-265.
  10. Errata. - C. 266-266.
  11. К семидесятилетию со дня рождения Юрия Ахметовича Аминова. - C. 267-272.
  12. К шестидесятилетию со дня рождения Леонида Борисовича Голинского. - C. 273-273.
  13. К восьмидесятилетию со дня рождения Клавдия Вениаминовича Маслова. - C. 274-274.
  14. К восьмидесятилетию со дня рождения Федора Семеновича Рофе-Бекетова. - C. 275-275.
Т. 9
Вип. 2

Журнал математичної фізики, аналізу, геометрії
: щокв. наук. журн..- Харків

  1. Титул.
  2. Зміст.
  3. Cabada A., Yakhshimuratov A. The System of Kaup Equations with a Self-Consistent Source in the Class of Periodic Functions. - C. 287-303.
  4. Favorov S. Ju., Radchenko L.D. On Analytic and Subharmonic Functions in Unit Disc Growing Near a Part of the Boundary. - C. 304-315.
  5. Gukalov A. A. Interaction between "Accelerating-Packing" Flows for the Bryan-Pidduck Model. - C. 316-331.
  6. Huseynov H. M., Osmanli J. A. Inverse Scattering Problem for One-Dimensional Schrödinger Equation with Discontinuity Conditions. - C. 332-359.
  7. Jeong I., Pak E., Suh Y. J. Real Hypersurfaces in Complex Two-Plane Grassmannians with Generalized Tanaka-Webster Invariant Shape Operator. - C. 360-378.
  8. Pishkoo A., Darus M. Some Applications of Meijer G-Functions as Solutions of Differential Equations in Physical Models. - C. 379-391.
  9. Syrovatsky A. N. On the Perturbation of Self-Adjoint Operators with Absolutely Continuous Spectrum. - C. 392-399.
  10. Zhukova N. I. Local and Global Stability of Compact Leaves and Foliations. - C. 400-420.
  11. Памяти Владимира Игоревича Мацаева. - C. 421-422.
Т. 9
Вип. 3

Журнал математичної фізики, аналізу, геометрії
: щокв. наук. журн..- Харків

  1. Титул.
  2. Зміст.
  3. Bulca B., Arslan K. Surfaces Given with the Monge Patch in E4. - C. 435-447.
  4. Hardtke J.-D. A Remark on Condensation of Singularities. - C. 448-454.
  5. Jeong I., Pak E., Suh Y. J. Lie Invariant Shape Operator for Real Hypersurfaces in Complex Two-Plane Grassmannians II. - C. 455-475.
  6. Katsnelson V. Eigenfunctions of the Cosine and Sine Transforms. - C. 476-495.
  7. Khrabustovskyi V. Analogs of Generalized Resolvents for Relations Generated by a Pair of Differential Operator Expressions One of which Depends on Spectral Parameter in Nonlinear Manner. - C. 496-535.
  8. Lytova A. On Non-Gaussian Limiting Laws for Certain Statistics of Wigner Matrices. - C. 536-581.
  9. Mazur I. P. On the Skitovich-Darmois Theorem for a-Adic Solenoids. - C. 582-593.
  10. Yaremko O. E. Integral Transforms with Non-separated Variables and Discontinuous Coefficients. - C. 594-603.
  11. Авторский указатель к тому 9 за 2013 год. - C. 604-608.
Т. 9
Вип. 4
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