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: scie. j..- Lviv

  1. Title.
  2. Contents.
  3. Geodesy / Геодезія

  4. Hlotov V., Biala M. Spatial-temporal geodynamics monitoring of land use and land сover changes in Stebnyk, Ukraine based on earth remote sensing data. - C. 5-15.
  5. Tretyak K., Brusak I. Modern deformations of earth crust of territory of Western Ukraine based on "Geoterrace" GNSS network data. - C. 16-25.
  6. Fys M., Brydun A., Yurkiv M., Sohor A., Hubar Y. Investigation of the asymmetry of the Earth’s gravitational field using the representation of potentials of disks. - C. 26-35.
  7. Geology / Геологія

  8. Radkovets N., Koltun Y. Dynamics of sedimentation within the southwestern slope of the East European platform in the silurian-early devonian. - C. 36-48.
  9. Lazaruk Y. Geodynamic aspects of hydrocarbon deposit formation in сarbonate complex of lower carbon of the Dnieper–Donets basin and peculiarity of their forecasting and industrial developmen. - C. 49-63.
  10. Karabiniuk M., Kalynych I., Leta V., Mykyta M., Melnychuk V. Geological conditions of development and landscape differentiation of modern geological and geomorphological processes in the highlands of the Chornohora massif (Ukrainian Carpathians). - C. 64-79.
  11. Gonchar V. Folding at inversion of Paleorift sedimentary basin (on the example of Dnieper–Donets aulakogen). - C. 80-91.
  12. Geophisics / Геофізика

  13. Safarov I. The connection of chemical composition and physical properties in mountain rocks of the Earth’s crust and mantle and their dynamic changes under different thermobaric conditions. - C. 92-98.
  14. Kováčiková S., Logvinov I., Tarasov V. Area-wide 2D and quasi-3D geoelectric models of the earth’s crust and upper mantle as a possible evidence of recent tectonic activity in the western part of the Ukrainian shield. - C. 99-118.
  15. Kuzmenko E., Bagriy S. Assessment of the influence of technogenically triggered hydrodynamic processes on groundwater contamination in the area of Kalush mining industry by applying geophysical methods. - C. 119-135.
№ 1 (32)

: scie. j..- Lviv

  1. Титул.
  2. Зміст.
  3. Batur M., Babii K. Trends in horizontal and vertical crustal displacements based on international GNSS service data: a case study of New Zealand. - C. 5-16.
  4. Savchyn I. Determination of the recent rotation poles of the main tectonic plates on the base of GNSS data. - C. 17-27.
  5. Anikeyev S., Maksymchuk V., Pyrizhok N. Density model of the earth crust of the Ukrainian Carpathians along the Pancake profile. - C. 28-49.
  6. Gnyp A. Determination of differential locations and focal mechanism of the 2013–2015. Earthquakes in Trosnyk, Transcarpatians: methodological aspects and analysis of the results. - C. 50-63.
  7. Kuzmenko E., Bagriy S., Artym I., Artym V. Display of mechanical stresses' distribution in mining areas in the intensity dynamics of the earth's natural pulsed electromagnetic field. - C. 64-74.
  8. Kalenda P., Tengler R. A principal breakthrough in georadar technology – Roteg. - C. 75-90.
  9. Anakhov P. Possible prospects for the use of microseisms, caused by standing waves of water bodies. - C. 91-98.
  10. Nazarevych A., Nazarevych L., Bayrak G., Pyrizhok N. Seismotectonics of the Oash and Transcarpathian deep faults junction zone (Ukrainian transcarpathians). - C. 99-114.
  11. Zhyrnov P., Solomakha I. Engineering-geological zoning as a scientific-methodical basis for scheme’s development of engineering-construction assessment (on the example of Irpin town Kyiv region). - C. 115-132.
№ 2 (33)
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