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Пошуковий запит: (<.>I=Ж29144/2023/97<.>)
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Geodesy, cartography and aerial photography
: interdepartmental sci. and techn. rev..- Lviv

  1. Title.
  2. Contents.
  3. Bubniak I., Bubniak A., Shylo Y., Oliinyk M., Bihun M. 3d model of the turka quarry. - C. 5-15.
  4. Perii S., Vivat A., Pokotylo I., Vovk A., Perii P. Determination of permanent corrections of ball reflectors. - C. 16-23.
  5. Zyhar A., Yushchenko Y., Savchyn I. A study of the influence of water level fluctuations on the geodynamic situation in the natural and technical geosystem of the dniester hpp and pspp cascade. - C. 24-31.
  6. Selehieiev A., Ovcharuk V., Hryb O. Gis technologies application for analysis of the topographic map scale effect on hydrological characteristics of the siverskyi donets river network. - C. 32-45.
  7. Nesterenko S., Pavlyk V., Mishchenko R. Analysis of vertical movements of the permanent gnss station polv on the base of satellite data and leveling. - C. 46-55.
  8. Hlotov V., Biala M., Shylo Y. Analysis of the residual distortion and forward motion influence on the accuracy of spatial coordinates determination based on uav survey. - C. 56-63.
  9. Bakova K., Karpinskyi Y. Organization of geoinformation monitoring of geospatial data of green plants of the street and road network of the city of Odesa. - C. 64-69.
  10. Sossa R., Bortnyk S., Lozynskyi V. State and prospects of lviv plans research. - C. 70-78.
  11. Fys M., Vivat A., Tserklevych A., Lozynskyi V. About metric and angular dependencies of spatial straight-line notches and their use in engineering and geodetic works. - C. 79-88.
Iss. 97
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