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Авторський покажчик    Покажчик назв публікацій

Пошуковий запит: (<.>I=Ж44091/2015$<.>)
Загальна кількість знайдених документів : 1

International journal of medicine and medical research
: sci. j..- Ternopil

  1. Title.
  2. Content.
  3. Internal medicine

  4. Falfushynska H. I., Gnatyshyna L. L., Shulgai A. H., Shidlovski V. O., Stoliar O. B. Oxidative Stress in Human Thyroid Gland under Iodine Deficiency Nodular Goiter: from Harmlessness to Hazard Depending on Copper and Iodine Subcellular Distribution. - C. 5-11.
  5. Pediatrics

  6. Fedortsiv O. Ye., Zejda J. E., Luchyshyn N. Yu., Brozek G. M. Association of Familial and Environmental Factors with Asthma and Allergic Diseases in Ukrainian Children Population. - C. 12-16.
  7. Fedortsiv O. Ye., Haliyash N. B., Nykytyuk S. O. Clinical and Laboratory Diagnostic Criteria of Immune Resistance of Healthy and Sick with Pneumonia Children of Different Age. - C. 17-20.
  8. Surgical diseases

  9. Lizis P. Comparison of Short-term Analgesic Effects of Extracorporeal Shock Wave Therapy (ESWT) and Conservative Treatment (CT) in Men with Chronic Heel Spur (HS). - C. 21-26.
  10. Mysak A. I., Lamptey W. Application of Transurethral Microwave Thermotherapy for Patients with Acute Urinary Retention and Severe Combined Comorbidity from Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia. - C. 27-29.
  11. Obstetrics and gynecology

  12. Heryak S. M., Humenna I. Ye. Instrumental and Diagnostic Criteria of Hemodynamic Disorders and Endothelial Dysfunction Correction in Pregnants with Arterial Hypertension. - C. 30-34.
  13. Marinkin I. O., Nepomnyashikh D. L., Kuleshov V. M., Ilizarova N. A., Semchenko T. O., Aidagulova S. V. Ultrastructural Research of the Endometrium Receptivity in Conditions of Pre-conceptional Preparation in Refractory Pregnancy Loss. - C. 35-38.
  14. Radiation medicine and oncology

  15. Ahmed B. M., Kantoush N. A., Ismail M. A., Haleem D. A. Prognostic Significance of CD56 Expression in Acute Leukemias. - C. 39-44.
  16. Galaychuk I. Y. Method of Oncoplastic Breast Resection. - C. 45-48.
  17. Sports medicine

  18. Roy A. S., Dalui R., Kalinski M., Bandyopadhyay A. Anthropometric Profile, Body Composition and Vertical Jump Score in Boxers and Swimmers. - C. 49-53.
  19. Biomedical sciences

  20. Korda M. M. Nitric Oxide and Allyl Alcohol Induced Hepatotoxicity. - C. 54-57.
  21. Oleshchuk O. M., Posokhova K. A., Mudra A. Ye. L-arginine, but not L-name Protects Against Liver Injury Induced by Experimental Ischemia-Reperfusion. - C. 58-62.
  22. Martsenyuk V. P., Andrushchak I. Ye. Information Support System of Medical System Research. - C. 63-67.
  23. Shevchuk O. O., Posokhova K. A., Oleshchuk O. M., Datsko T. V. The Influence of Antiretroviral and Antituberculosis Agents on the Biochemical and Histopathological Indices of Liver Function in Rats. - C. 68-74.
  24. Public health and epidemiology

  25. П’ятночка І. Т., Корнага С. І., Корнага Т. В. Туберкульоз у практичній діяльності сімейного лікаря. - C. 75-79.
Vol. 1
Iss. 1
Відділ наукової організації електронних інформаційних ресурсів
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