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Security of Infocommunication Systems and Internet of Things
: journal.- Chernivtsi
Bezpeka ìnfokomunìkacìjnih sistem ta Ìnternetu rečej

  1. Title.
  2. Contents.
  3. Samila A. Editor’s preface. - C. 01000(1).
  4. Khobzei M., Tkach V., Apostoliuk M., Vovchuk D. Ring resonators-based adjustable bandpass filter for microwave application. - C. 01001(5).
  5. Kukurudziak M. Technology of silicon p-i-n photodiodes with a reduced number of thermal operations. - C. 01002(5).
  6. Veryha A., Politansky R., Rozhdestvenska M., Lastivka H. Analysis of self-similar binary sequences. - C. 01003(5).
  7. Uhryn D., Ushenko Yu., Galochkin O., Hostiuk A. Full-stack development of an intelligent system for the development of population migration. - C. 01004(6).
  8. Krulikovskyi O., Haliuk S., Safronov I., Gorbenko I. Ukrainian national encryption standards for FPGA based embedded systems. - C. 01005(7).
  9. Semenova O., Semenov A., Lutsyshyn A., Dyra V. Artificial intelligence techniques for mobile station location estimation. - C. 01006(5).
  10. Semenov A., Prytula M., Stalchenko O., Donskyi O. Protecting IoТ wearable devices from electromagnetic radiation using radio-opaque fabrics. - C. 01007(6).
  11. Polikarovskykh O., Daus Yu., Larin D., Tkachenko M. Systematization of cyber threats in maritime transport. - C. 01008(6).
  12. Terletskyi T., Kaidyk O., Pylypiuk L., Kondius I., Zdolbitska N. Determining the feasibility of applying existing criteria for solving operational problems in the design of CCTV information systems. - C. 01009(6).
  13. Balovsyak S., Lacusta V., Odaiska Kh. Reading of sensor signals with automatic selection of sampling frequency. - C. 01010(4).
  14. Babii A., Samila A. Dual authentication technique for RFID access control systems with increased level of protection. - C. 01011(8).
  15. Hres O., Veryha A., Lastivka H. Using PIC18 microcontrollers to generate chaotic signals based on logistic mapping. - C. 01012(7).
Vol. 1
№ 1

Security of Infocommunication Systems and Internet of Things
: journal.- Chernivtsi
Bezpeka ìnfokomunìkacìjnih sistem ta Ìnternetu rečej

  1. Title.
  2. Contents.
  3. Politanskyi R., Haliuk S. Flows of information within a network with limitations on the quantity of flows allowed at each node. - C. 02001(5).
  4. Uhryn D., Ushenko Yu., Kovalchuk M., Bilobrytskyi D. Modelling a system for intelligent forecasting of trading on stock exchanges. - C. 02002(6).
  5. Brailovsky V., Fitsak B., Lastivka H., Rozhdestvenska M. Electronic measurement system for IoT sensors studying. - C. 02003(5).
  6. Hutsul T., Tkach V., Khobzei M. Humanitarian demining: How can UAVs and Internet of Things help?. - C. 02004(6).
  7. Balovsyak S., Vasiliev V., Fodchuk I. Expert system for supporting the construction of three-dimensional models of objects by the photogrammetry method. - C. 02005(5).
  8. Polikarovskykh O., Hula I. Implementing the search algorithm of the correlation interferometer direction finder through the GNU radio software platform. - C. 02006(7).
  9. Parkhomenko Ye., Lastivka H., Lastivka O. Model of hydroacoustic signal synthesis using neural networks. - C. 02007(5).
  10. Kasianchuk A., Lastivka H. UAV integration with neural network in landmine and minefield detection tasks. - C. 02008(5).
  11. Kushnir M., Toronchuk V., Kosovan H. Information security and telecommunications prospects of machine-learning-based methods in chaotic systems. - C. 02009(7).
  12. Krulikovskyi O., Haliuk S. Periodicity of timeseries generated by logistic map. Part I. - C. 02010(6).
  13. Vorobets H., Vorobets O., Luchyk O., Rusyn V. Information technology and software for simulation, synthesis and research of data crypto protection methods. - C. 02011(8).
Vol. 1
№ 2
Відділ наукової організації електронних інформаційних ресурсів
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