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Вісник Тернопільського національного технічного університету
: наук. журн..- Тернопіль
Visnyk Ternopil's'koho natsional'noho tekhnichnoho universytetu

  1. Титул.
  2. Contents.
  3. Bodrova L., Kramar H., Koval I., Marynenko S., Mul O., Kovalchuk Y., Prokopiv M. High temperature oxidation of double carbide based hard alloys. - C. 5-15.
  4. Fryz M., Mlynko B. Determination of the characteristic function of discrete-time conditional linear random process and its application. - C. 16-23.
  5. Zin M., Koval V., Tarasenko M., Sysak I. Creation and substantiation of the matrix for model series of tubular propeller turbines for small hydropower plants. - C. 24-31.
  6. Diachun A., Hevko I., Stanko A., Korol O., Derysh O. The study of interaction parameters of the elastic brush screw working body fibers with the spherical surfaces of the grain material. - C. 32-42.
  7. Piddubnyy V., Kahanets-Havrylko L., Fedoriv V., Senchishin V., Stadnyk I. Peculiarities of heat exchange in dough under rotary rollers action. - C. 43-53.
  8. Yatsyshyn V., Pastukh O., Palamar A., Zharovskyi R. Technology of relational database management systems performance evaluation during computer systems design. - C. 54-65.
  9. Nesterov O. The methodical peculiarities of the investigation of portal crane rolled steels degradation. - C. 66-71.
  10. Khrabatyn R., Bandura V., Shkolna N., Khrabatyn Y. Technologies for designing and programming big data in e-learning. - C. 72-79.
  11. Averin D., Borovytsky V. Coordinate measurement in multi-beam drone positioning system. - C. 80-89.
  12. Voichyshyn Y., Holenko K., Horbay O., Honchar V. Methodology of analytical research of the microclimate of the bus driver's cab using the ANSYS-Fluent software environment. - C. 90-98.
  13. Boyko V., Baranovsky V., Pankiv V., Onyshchenko V., Marinenko S. The results of the study of the cutter of the remains of root crops haulm. - C. 99-110.
  14. Kryazhych O., Itskovych V., Iushchenko K., Hrytsyshyna V., Bruvier D., Nykytyuk V., Bodnarchuk I. The use of abstract Moore automaton to control the sensors of a service-oriented alarm and emergency notification network. - C. 111-120.
  15. Kovbashyn V., Bochar I. Investigation of the change in technological properties of refractory metals after diffusion saturation. - C. 121-129.
  16. Datsko B., Chuchman M., Ivashkiv V., Halaichak S. Dependence of the rate of corrosion and hydrogen diffusion of 09Mn2Si steel on the concentration of hydrogen sulphide in chloride-acetate environments. - C. 130-137.
  17. Publishing page.
№ 1 (109)

Вісник Тернопільського національного технічного університету
: наук. журн..- Тернопіль
Visnyk Ternopil's'koho natsional'noho tekhnichnoho universytetu

  1. Титул.
  2. Contents.
  3. Tsmots I., Ihnatiev I., Ivasiev S. Very-large-scale integration device for parallel vertical group computing the sum of squared differences. - C. 5-14.
  4. Romaniuk L., Chykhira I., Kartashov V., Dombrovskyi I. UAV movement planning in mountainous terrain. - C. 15-22.
  5. Vasylkiv V. Features of using air-plasma cutting technology for manufacturing of helical flights and auger billets. - C. 23-32.
  6. Fedak S., Yasnii O., Didych I., Kryva N. Characteristics of the deformation diagram of AMg6 alloy. - C. 33-39.
  7. Heruk S., Pustovit S. The effect of grain size on strength and quality oof the seed. - C. 40-45.
  8. Solovei P., Student O., Svirska L., Kurnat I., Krechkovska S., Gural T. Establishing the causes of premature damage of steam turbine rotor blades of TPP. - C. 46-56.
  9. Koval V., Zin M., Kostyk L., Buniak O. Ensuring the energy efficiency of heat supply energy systems functioning by justifying the choice of glazing units for the external enclosing structures of buildings. - C. 57-67.
  10. Stechyshyna N., Stechyshyn M., Lukyanyuk M., Martynyuk A., Tsepenyuk M. Method of assessment of cavitation-erosion wear resistance of metals in electrolyte media. - C. 68-74.
  11. Seneta M. Sensors on the surface acoustic waves for intelligent systems. - C. 75-86.
  12. Lupenko A., Movchan L., Sysak I. Analysis of two-section phase-controlled resonant voltage converter. - C. 87-97.
  13. Stanko A. Information technology platform for monitoring infectious diseases. - C. 98-110.
  14. Buketov A., Klevtsov K., Sapronov O., Sharko O., Nehrutsa R. Modern strategies for repairing transport systems and facilities using modified epoxy plastics. - C. 111-117.
  15. Kovalchuk Y., Shynhera N., Shved Y. Formation of input information arrays for computer simulation of welded trusses behavior under thermal force effects. - C. 118-124.
  16. Dovbenko T., Dvorkin L., Homon S. Structure formation and performance properties of modified gypsum and phosphogypsum binders. - C. 125-135.
  17. Вихідні відомості.
№ 2 (110)
Відділ наукової організації електронних інформаційних ресурсів
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