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Загальна кількість знайдених документів : 10
Представлено документи з 1 до 10
1.Arnold Vahrenwald. Sports Law: Aspects of the Organisation of Mega Sports Events – the EURO-2012 in Ukraine [Текст] / Vahrenwald. Arnold // Часопис Київського університету права, 2012. т.№ 2.-С.379-385
2.Slastina H. A. Sports and pedagogical improvement in the training of future teachers of physical education [Текст] / H. A. Slastina // Pedagogics, psychology, medical-biological problems of physical training and sports, 2013. т.№ 5.-С.68-72
3.Svistel’nik I. R. Sports magazines in the system of scholarly communication [Текст] / I. R. Svistel’nik // Pedagogics, psychology, medical-biological problems of physical training and sports, 2013. т.№ 9.-С.85-90
4.Mytskan B. Sports-Animation Activities in Pidkarpattiya: Status and Staffing Prospects [Текст] / B. Mytskan, N. Fedyniak, O. Vintoniak // Фізичне виховання, спорт і культура здоров'я у сучасному суспільстві, 2017. т.№ 2.-С.24-27
5.Bilohur V. Sports culture as a means of improving the integrity of sports personality: philosophical-cultural and anthropological analysis [Текст] / V. Bilohur, R. Andriukaitiene // Humanities studies, 2020. т.Вип. 6.-С.136-152
6.Bilohur V. Sports management formation concept in the context of COVID-19 pandemic collections [Текст] / V. Bilohur, R. Andriukaitiene // Humanities studies, 2021. т.Вип. 9.-С.71-79
7.Bilohur V. Sports philosophy and motor activity development and own body as human health basis [Текст] / V. Bilohur, О. Kotova, G. Sukhanova // Humanities studies, 2022. т.Вип. 11.-С.87-98
8.Bradauskiene K. Sports as leisure during the pandemic period: theory and practice [Текст] / K. Bradauskiene, B. Svagzdiene // Humanities studies, 2022. т.Вип. 13.-С.69-73
9.Bejtka M. Sports activities and professional specialty influence on psychophysiological functions and orthostatic reactions indicators of pedagogical universities students [Текст] / M. Bejtka, Z. Kozina [и др.] // Health, sport, rehabilitation, 2022. т.№ 8(3).-С.8-26
10.Stadnyk S. O. Sports branding as an object of scientific analysis based on the study of publications in the international scientometric database Scopus [Текст] / S. O. Stadnyk, D. O. Okun, A. S. Bondar, N. V. Sereda // Slobozhanskyi herald of science and sport, 2023. т. Vol. 27, no. 2.-С.81-91
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