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Пошуковий запит: (<.>AT=Beshta Viability of vehicle-to-grid technology$<.>)
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Beshta О. 
Viability of vehicle-to-grid technology and renewables in Ukraine [Електронний ресурс] / О. Beshta, O. Aziukovski, E. Khudolii, S. Khudolii, О. Balakhontsev, B. Mohammed, R. Haitham // Вісник Криворізького національного університету. - 2019. - Вип. 49. - С. 9-14. - Режим доступу: http://nbuv.gov.ua/UJRN/Vktu_2019_49_4
Assessment of economic feasibility of the "vehicle-to-grid" technology (co-generation to the grid from the electric vehicle's battery) for the car owner. Evaluation of financial indicators and estimation of conditions when this technology may become attractive for all the stakeholders of electric mobility market. Forecasts of the National Commission for Electric Energy Regulation of Ukraine, as well as analytical data and information from manufacturers of electric vehicles are used in the study. Analysis of daily charging/travelling schedule, ratings of power vs. capacities are used for the evaluation of financial expenditures and profits of the car owners. It is proven that V2G technology would become feasible if the battery capacity increases, the power rating of charging/generation stations gets bigger and the special green tariff for co-generation from electric vehicles is introduced. Electricity tariff rates as well as other data necessary for calculations of V2G feasibility are given. The overview of renewables in Ukraine and electric mobility in particular are carried out, their feasibility is assessed. The tariffs on electricity from renewables are analyzed, the share of renewable energy sources in Ukraine in future is forecasted. Aspects of V2G technology are analyzed in detail - the use of vehicles batteries as intermediate energy storage, their charging during cheap night tariffs and co-generation during high demand in order to level electricity consumption on the grid level. It appears that the rated power of charging stations is a "bottle-neck" - the main limiting factor. Besides: it is shown that reduction of batteries service life makes the V2G idea inexpedient for the car owner, unless the green tariff will rise.
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