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Bochkovskyi A. 
Legal and organizational issues of improving the labor protection and industrial safety level at Ukrainian enterprises [Електронний ресурс] / A. Bochkovskyi, N. Sapozhnikova, V. Gogunskii // Науковий вісник Національного гірничого університету. - 2017. - № 5. - С. 100-108. - Режим доступу: http://nbuv.gov.ua/UJRN/Nvngu_2017_5_17
Purpose. To identify the promising ways of improving the labor protection and industrial safety level at enterprises of Ukraine. Methodology. Study of problems and promising ways of improving the labor protection and industrial safety level was performed by way of examining and theoretical analysis of the following issues: statistical data on occupational injuries in Ukraine and 9 EU countries (Austria, the UK, Germany, Denmark, Norway, Poland, Hungary, Finland, France), countrywide for the period of 2011 - 2015; legal and regulatory framework of Ukraine and the EU on labor protection and industrial safety; curriculum programs of training specialists in the field of labor protection in Ukraine and the EU (by the example of the Republic of Poland). Findings. There were analyzed structural causes of accidents and statistics under the main indicators of industrial injuries at enterprises of Ukraine and EU countries. Based on the analysis of the legal framework of Ukraine on labor protection there were identified problems, related to the introduction of complex amendments to legal and regulatory documents and their quality that directly affect human security in manufacturing environment. A comparative analysis of educational programs for the preparation of students of higher educational institutions in Ukraine and EU countries was performed (by the example of the Republic of Poland) in matters of labor protection and industrial safety. Problems were identified that may increase the occupational risk level at enterprises of Ukraine. There were also proposed priority measures of legal and organizational nature for increasing the labor protection and industrial safety level in Ukraine. Originality. A system of automated filing and control of amendments in the legal and regulatory acts on labor protection and industrial safety was developed for the first time. Relationships between the labor protection level and reforms in the legislative and educational systems were analyzed. Practical value. Survey results can be applied for the creation and implementation of the state automated system meant for accounting and control of amendments in the legal and regulatory acts on labor protection and industrial safety, both in Ukraine and in the EU countries.
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