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Gurey V. 
Simulation modelling of dynamic processes due discontinuous frictional treatment of the flat surfaces [Електронний ресурс] / V. Gurey, V. Korendiy, I. Kuzio // Ukrainian journal of mechanical engineering and materials science. - 2020. - Vol. 6, Num. 2. - С. 23-33. - Режим доступу: http://nbuv.gov.ua/UJRN/ujmems_2020_6_2_5
Abstract. Friction treatment refers to surface strengthening (hardening) methods using highly concentrated energy sources. In the course of this processing in the surface layers of the processed surfaces of parts the strengthened layer with nanocrystalline structure is formed. The formed layer has specific physical, mechanical, chemical properties, as well as improved performance properties, which are significantly different from the base metal. A highly concentrated energy source is formed in the contact area of the tool-part due to the high-speed friction (60 - 90 m/s) of the tool on the treatment surface. Frictional treatment of flat parts according to the kinematics of the process is similar to grinding. The strengthening process was carried out on an upgraded surface grinder. The tool is a metal disk made of stainless-steel. Transverse grooves are formed on the working surface of the tool to intensify the process of forming a strengthened (reinforced) layer with a nanocrystalline structure. The grooves form additional shock loads in the contact area of the tool-treatment surface of the part. These shock loads increase the shear deformation of the metal of the parts' surface during treatment, which affects into formation the quality parameters of the parts' surface and surface layer. To study the friction treatment process, the calculation scheme of the elastic system of the machine was developed. A simulation model for the study of dynamic processes that take place during the friction treatment of flat surfaces was built. This model gives possibility to determine the displacements and velocities of the machine table on which the part is fixed and the tool, and to determine their mutual displacement and also calculate the reaction of the machine table.
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